Finally! Harry grew some balls and told Janeway to stuff it.

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To be fair, I would have disobeyed the Captain's orders for Tal too...

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Why is that always Kim? Is that a running gag I don't understand? He's not even an Alex Landi. While Kim is shagging aliens, they totally miss the opportunity of discussing the possibility of a generation ship. What's their mission? For how long are they in space? How does procreation work? The briefly discuss the possibility that later generations may not want to continue the journey. But that's it. Pretty boring episode really. There's not even some hot interspecies intercourse but that's too much to ask from an American 90s TV show.

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Yea.. Skipping this mush fest.

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Typical Harry falling for someone he can’t have. Janeways whole thing has been Federation protocols, sure not always for herself a majority of the time. She just demoted Tom so to reprimand Harry is standard. The real issue here is why did he fall in love and stand up for the love, just to not be with the person even tho they were freed from their people…

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Wasn't Janeway exchanging mouth saliva with an alien only a couple of episodes ago? I don't recall her getting tested first and having the guy tested too, she's always a hypocrite, acting like a school marm with the old routine, "you've let the ship down, you've let your colleagues down but most of all you've let yourself down", at this rate everybody but her will be an ensign by the time they get back! At least Harry can't be demoted any further, so I guess he has nothing to lose, except a reprimand in his file which starfleet will read in 50 years :joy: we know that didn't teach him anything because he came back in time to save Voyager, oh how soon Janeway forgets.

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Shout by FinFan

There is a good idea here about the risks of interspecies relationships and I don't remember that this has ever been addressed before. Let's be frank, usually they do whatever they like, with whoever they like. There never was talk about biological risks. Unfortunately this isn't really explored further and is anyway suffocated under a thick layer of soapy dialogue. The b-plot concerning the freedom movement is equally lackadaisical as it is but a footnote.
The only thing really remarkable is Harry standing up to Janeway. Her saying that she would have expected this from someone like Tom, who at this time was long involved with B'Elanna, is not helping her cause. She clearly seems to have no idea about her crew at all.

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