Fair Haven is forgettable. This episode evoked a groan and an eyeroll, nothing more.

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Kill Fair Haven already (bring back Proton!) It's silly. It's boring. It's a bad Irish stereotype. It's a recurring story (holo characters discover they're not real and/or want to break hereby endangering the ship). I hate the Shíre music. Other than Katie's garment and her romantic hair, there's nothing to see here. It's that supposed to be funny?

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Please no more eps about Fair Haven.

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What. The. Hell?
Lazy, unoriginal, dull, ridiculous. Was this script left over from season 1 of The Next Generation?

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Please just shutdown the Fair Haven program already. Meh.

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I don't actually mind Fair Haven. What bugged me about this episode is that it seemed like the writers had a goal in mind for the plot and making sense be damned, they were going to get there. Was that a HOLOGRAPHIC gun (with safeties on) that hit the control panel and caused it to turn safeties off and malfunction? Since when does The Doctor need his mobile emitter on the holodeck? And that angry crowd that was at the point of piling kindling changed their tune awfully quickly with a little "we should find a way to still be friends!" talk from Janeway and Sullivan. I feel like this episode would have been mostly fine (albeit silly, but hey, sometimes I enjoy that) without the nonsensical decisions in the latter half.

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Non science fiction oriented episode in a science fiction series is always a bad call...

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Understandable, but totally and extremely unnecessary!

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Programs behaving in an advanced manner that mimicks sentience isn't sentience, regardless what Picard argued for data :joy: we're going to come up against the same thing they way our AI is going.

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