I'm really not a fan of the Borg children (both in storytelling/writing terms, and the actors who play them), but this episode managed to do something meaningful. With one of them, at least. The relationship between Seven and Icheb feels genuine and Jeri Ryan's excellent performance sells it. We haven't really seen much of them together, but she made me believe that there was unseen depth we hadn't been privy to. It also taps in her unspoken feelings towards her own parents which is very compelling, and teases just enough rather than overdoing it.

It's telegraphed a bit too obviously that Icheb's parents aren't as loving as they seem.. In many ways I found the final act to be unnecessarily manufactured to create an exciting ending - and it really went over the top when the Borg appeared (notice that Voyager barely bats an eyelid when facing them, they just aren't a powerful enemy now).

Overall, though, this was a strong character piece for Seven that also helped to warm me to the Borg children. Well, to Icheb at least.

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Another deadly weapon to engage the Borg? Or is he related to the virus from a few episodes back? And another weak Borg ship? They have lost their mojo right?

The "God-Mother Seven" sub-story-arch isn't great. But it's basically all you get in this show. I'm thankful each time the MIB don't point their Neuralyzers at the crew at the end of the episode. I don't really understand why Seven is suddenly so attached to the kids though. Yes she's proud of her training but motherly feelings? Hmm. Forget that - and forget about the excess of both story recently - and you'll discover that this a nicely told and concise story. Classic Star Trek. Protecting the rights and life of individuals under your protection.

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If you can see past the fact that Voyager does a one-eighty again (last episode Seven didn't want to teach the children and now she's so attached to Icheb that she has difficulties letting him go) you find a very personal story.
Both, Jeri and Manu make this work despite the fact that we've seen not much of them together. I had forgotten Icheb's background but the small part concerning him and Seven in Picard now makes more sense to me. Such a shame they wasted him there for a mere shocking effect.
Since I did remember the character was in that show, there was no suspense on my behalf because I knew he'd stay. The morality about the parents using there child as a weapon is only touched lightly but it's also not what the episode's all about.

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