Shout by FinFan

An energy being wanting to return to its home inside a nebula ? Where have I heard this before ? TNG - Lonely Among Us . This is a bit different but basically the same concept. It wasn't even all that bad but the horror story approach pushed me out fast. And in the end everything was stretched out a bit too long.
When they brought the kids aboard I wondered what they would do with them stroy wise. I hope this is not the level we can expect down the line.

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Fun little Halloween story but slap a strobe warning on this one for those of us who are photosensitive. The flashing red near the end is particularly brutal.

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Fair. I guess neither the A nor the B plot was strong enough to support a whole episode and that's why they told the story like they did. The mix of A and B plots makes it of course unclear whether the story as told by Neelix happened exactly like that. Thus, asking whether the story makes any sense is pointless. I like the Borg kids though. Real kids.

It's just that I don't like horror stories. I even hate The Simpsons Halloween episodes. But that's perhaps only me.

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I think because of the episodic nature of this show the kids are much more bareable than in current dramas. I liked the camp fire horror storytelling aspect. It was a different angle of voyager and it involved the borg kids who I find as intriguing as seven.

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In ter es t ing !

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