There's Selig or everwhat his name is from Enterprise again... I've lost count how many episodes across the franchise he's been in.

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It's a boring episode. Like all episodes which present "Tom, the Engineer". The rest is strange. Very strange. A mind manipulating flight computer with an erotic voice and a pretty personification? Really? That's not even funny. And the relationship between B'Elanna and Tom is still the greatest mystery of all. There's no chemistry between them at all.

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And it was all going so well.
This barely kept my attention and I ended up browsing Reddit while it was on. Really low effort Star Trek that fell back on the most obvious tropes it could. My main comment would be that Claire Rankin (Alice) is very good at doing crazy eyes.

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Embarrassing to watch and I was by myself when I tried. About halfway through I jettisoned myself to the next episode. I feel sorry for the guest actress. I can see this having been made into a terrible movie in the late nineties, but if it had been a mid-run Geordie episode on TNG it could have worked.

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Weird. So far this season seems to slip back into story-of-the-week mode. This one was particularly meh.

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I thought this one was fine. It was the 90s; they didn't have streaming yet. Episodic storylines are the norm. We got some interesting acting here with an interesting concept.

The spaceship design was too similar to Federation ships. Also would have liked to know more about the ship's goal. What does flying into this particle fountain accomplish? Is there something on the other side?

Kate Mulgrew showed up pretty late in this episode.

Why does Chakotay need to narrow the confinement beam on the transported, doesn't Harry know how to do that / it's his job? Guess Beltran needed more lines.

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An interstellar "Christine" (Stephen King's nefarious car) whose goal is to fly into an interstellar Bermuda triangle... sounds interesting in theory, but the brunt of this episode is much too passive for it to work, the writing is certainly somniferous.

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So, when I watch an episode like that I start to imagine the writers sitting with the producers pitching ideas. Than someone says: "let's make an episode about a sexy, seductive shuttle that lures Tom into its web" Now I imagine the producers saying: "what kind of a stupid idea is that ?! We are not that desperate"
Sadly this is not what happened and we have to endure another stinker. Did they actually bother to tell why Alice wanted to go into that particle fountain she called home ? I wasn't paying attention but I guess not.

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