It's immediately obvious that the doctor is impersonating the captain. Some more mystery might have improved things.

The Doctor knocking everyone out to maybe protect the captain was a bit far-fetched. Surely he'd be able to realize that the aliens couldn't be trusted and it was illogical and unethical to endanger the lives of Voyager's crew to ~maybe~ protect the captain (who explicitly ordered him not to do what he was doing).

Meanwhile the Captain is mostly just sitting there helplessly. Her various attempts at making moves go nowhere. I guess the writers were just trying to give her something to do.

Also weird for this random one-off Doctor episode to be the penultimate one instead of, say, Homestead or at least something with a plat that advances the main story…

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Hm. I don't know. Is that supposed to be an exciting action episode or a funny diversion? The doctor (how often can a guy be kidnapped?) must save the Captain but they give the mystery away too soon. Plus, it isn't funny (only the Matrix doppelgänger idea and his confessions made me laugh). It was s great idea I presume, but somehow I don't like this episode. It's mediocre at best. Plus, this is the penultimate episode. Shouldn't they have used this episode to prepare for the grand finale? Now it feels that this was a story that was left over and needed to be told before the show goes off air.

PS: usually I don't complain about physics and logic and plot holes but using a hologram shouldn't be an excuse to not care at all.

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Stupid episode.

I mean, the idea maybe wasn't bad but it was clear the moment the Captain returned that it wasn't her. And they went too far with the Doctor almost replacing everyone. Plus, those ****head aliens weren't interesting when the appeared for the first time.
It is absolutely moronic that the Doctor choose this course of action and disobeying a direct order by the captain. Even the Doctor would understand that without a warp core ultimately they all die. That's just the author forcing his idea down our throats like so many times on this show. And, of course, no consequences at the end.
And, I have to get this of my chest, althought it pains me to say it. The Doctor referring to humans as "organics" could be percieved as racist. He even states his own superiority over humans. It is not intentional but it is disturbing nonetheless.

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Shout by wpafbo79

Overall, not too bad. But I can't believe The Doctor didn't stay in ECH mode. The tactical knowledge would likely have prevented him from being duped so easily. It was obvious that either they were going to destroy the Flier once the shields were down, or kidnap him as well. Either way, they weren't going to return the Captain. Some sloppy writing there. I doubt he was intentionally captured.

On the flip side, at least The Doctor did some planning ahead of time with the music.

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