Shout by FinFan
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-05-04T19:34:01Z— updated 2022-05-05T23:17:34Z

Do I detect a logical error in the story ?

If the Commodore was also an illusion why was Spock pleading to Kirk to not "let him stop me" ? If Spock was working on this, like it is implied, in unison with the Talosians, he should have know Mendez wasn't real, and his own reaction would be illogical, no ?
Or was he just trying to uphold the charade ?

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-04-13T09:00:22Z— updated 2022-05-12T12:40:24Z

Still think it's clever how the recycle the material from the show's pilot episode. They actually made some scenes better than in the original episode. Plus, I always like those green-skinned Orion slave girls (and Doja Cat approves too ;-) The downside being that those who watch this show in a chronological order will already know many parts of the story. But it got a distinct twist in the end.

I like the whole court-martial idea. Master logician Spock is chosen to conceal this secret. It's reminds me of the episode Clues in TNG where Data tries to conceal a secret for the greater good. Overall a fair episode that could have been better w/o recycled scenes.

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There are too many repetitions.

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I think the surrounding story was far more compelling than the clips, even over two episodes. The new elements made the original story far better, too. I very much enjoyed this, which is a huge change from my usual disdain for clips episodes.

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Anyone know why The Cage isn't included in the series??

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LOOK: 60
FEEL: 90

This episode continues the well-oiled combination of courtroom drama and re-used pilot episode footage. I love the quirky score and inventive action. This is a tightly plotted psychological thriller of sorts, really letting Captain Pike shine for once. This is a brilliant torment of the mind, turning into engaging television. It also has an interesting ending.

85% = :white_check_mark:

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This show works best for me when the focus is completely on the main cast; anytime guest actors are given the spotlight, I lose interest. So this was not all that fun to sit through, but I applaud the creative way it was all put together.

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While "The Menagerie: Part I" was outstanding, but Part II is a disappointing conclusion. The ability of Spock to present footage of Capt. Pike battling the Talosians during his trial was just odd. And while it was a creative way to integrate pilot footage, it can't entirely hide the fact that it is essentially a clip show.

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A fun conclusion to this two-part story arc.

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