Shout by FinFan

Her name is Dr. Noel and they met at a christmas party. Who came up with that ?

The rest of the episode was rather plain. We get to see an early version of the Vulcan mind meld that clearly was rather crude at this stage.Spocks line that " You Earth people glorify organized violence for 40 centuries, but you imprison those who employ it privately." was clearly the best part but sadly they didn't follow up.

It was pretty stupid of Kirk to try this machine. But I didn't really understand Adams's motives. What was he planing to do with Kirk ? He couldn't send him back to, say, take over the ship as they had been warned by van Gelder (brilliantly played by Woodward).

The really interesting part about future penal systems and treatment of psychologically ill patients would've been interesting.

At least they get treatment instead of being locked in their rooms only to hang themselves later.
(Sorry, couldn't resist)

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-04-12T19:13:36Z— updated 2023-07-20T20:23:28Z

The topic of manipulation of minds and a future penal system maybe relevant but the whole episode is just boring. The Good Doctor selecting Dr. Noel as Kirk's assistance is perhaps funny but of course this turns way too quickly into some creepy sex story showing insatiable Kirk. At this point of the show, Captain Kirk is way too often center and focus of every episode.

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Great episode, with some over-acting here and there typical of the 60’s

The Vulcan Mind Meld was an interesting first effort which clearly was refined later on. Even more so because McCoy almost pushed Spock into it. In later years people always try and stop Vulcans from doing it.

The power of suggestion; works every time. Just look at the recent BREXIT campaign. Say something enough times and people believe you!

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I don't know how I made it through this one. Terrible acting and writing spread throughout, and another female character there just to accompany the captain. The first appearance of the Vulcan mind meld was sort of interesting.

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Seems like both crewmen operating the transporter need to familiarize themselves with penal colony procedures. Someone would keeps eyes on the cargo until it could be opened and examined or properly secured. Turning your back on it when you are the only one in the room could allow someone unauthorized to get to it, or... well...

Then we have security team members that don't watch their backs. WTF? Unfortunately this doesn't get better in more modern shows. Incompetent writing and directing is incompetent writing and directing, I guess.

The mind meld was a rough experience. I can see why that style was abandoned for what we later get to see. I wonder how many other mind meld styles they used before settling on the now standard one.

An overall decent story, but this could have been a better episode. The most annoying thing was that Kirk and Adam's kept cutting Noel off mid-sentence. What was that all about?

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These sound fx of the period are 100% annoying af

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LOOK: 50
FEEL: 45

This episode returns us back to formula, with the Enterprise threatened by an outside intruder. Agonizingly slow and with a non-existent plot progression, this episode builds on Vulcan mythology but doesn’t achieve much beyond that.

41% = :heavy_minus_sign:

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This one was OK. Wasn't too interesting, it was neat to see the Vulcan mind meld used (for the first time?). Was not quite sure about the female doctor, party and Captain Kirk thread -- but, it seemed pretty extraneous.

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