Great cat and mouse game with a logical error if I'm not mistaken.

The Enterprise fought against the Romulans in "Balance of Terror" That ship could cloak too, no ? They should not have been surprised that they didn't pick up those ships on sensors. Or was that a ruse for the crew ?

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Absolutely amazing episode, definitely one of the best.

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Way above average episode. Romulans, neutral zone, cloaking devices, an ultimatum, the Vulcan/Romulans origin story, a simulated death. The Captain went inexplicably rogue and McCoy and other officers questioning Kirk's judgement and sanity. What's there not to like? Admittedly, Kirk infiltrating the ship in disguise as a Romulan is silly but this won't reduce my overall satisfaction with this episode. Spock is again fascinating.

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Very silly in execution, but this was fun and involved a good mystery for the first half. An episode in which we see Kirk made to look like an alien has got to be worth something. I was quite distracted by the fact that the Romulan commander seemed to share the same voice as Captain Janeway.

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Why should Kirk always have all the fun?

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The Romulans had Klingon ships because.......?

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