Great title but unfortunately that's pretty much the only thing this episode had going for it. Poorly written, predictable script and cheap costumes. What happened?

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Okay Bones we have been friends for a long time but you have an incurable disease so "your fired" WHAT!? That is just bad writing. Kirk always treats McCoy as a friend then forces his rank that is disregarded by McCoy. Kirk seemed to immediately say nobody with disease on my ship; it doesn't even seem communicable nor does it effect you or even show any symptoms until you are diagnosed.

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I really enjoyed this episode for some reason. Even though there's been many episodes exactly like this before, for some reason I found this one pretty good.

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This may be the slowest episode of TOS so far.

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Gosh that's so stupid. Who thought it's a good idea to let them wear those capes and hats? Katherine Woodville looks stunning though (Pardon! This show changes me for the worse!) The A-plot is boring. They are captured (again!) and must find a way back to the Enterprise (again). Again, there's a higher being (or something like that) which was originally perceived as benevolent. I'm much more interested in McCoy's B-plot and his unpronounceable (xeno.... what?) terminal illness. A sick or terminal ill Doctor is always funny or sad. For once McCoy contemplates a romance (what will nurse Christine say? She seemed extremely worried. Is she really only a random colleague?). But this part of the story ain't really capitalized on. Before you know it McCoy is cured.

PS: I like the title and the "electric-shock-FX" though.

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I think when this originally aired it was believable that McCoy contracted a terminal disease. Taking the background of where the show was at the time, I might have believed Kelley wanted out.

Yeah, you have a lot of the usual building blocks but I think the story is OK. For once McCoy get's a romance with the beautiful lady even if Kirk thought she had bad taste (I really wonder if that was supposed to be a jab or if he was angry she showed no interest in him).

In any case this episode gets my vote for best episode title.

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Don't wear a red shirt, or get married on Star Trek TOS

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