Like how the team gets closer... but I hope we'll get back to Crosshair and Kamino soon.

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I never really liked Clone Wars apart from the last few episodes. I'm not saying it wasn't good, it just wasn't for me and I'm happy others enjoyed it so much. But this I'm actually enjoying. The animation and graphics seem a lot better. The story is more interesting. And Omega is just too precious. The way they include her in their team is sweet. And the Bad Batch actually seem badass. I wonder if we'll ever see Omega again in the future. Like live action. Knowing my luck (my favourite characters always die) probably not.

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Aww! They gave her her own little comm after that incident! :sob:

I agree with a comment I saw on a previous episode saying that this was just Space Dads and I think I am okay with that :joy:

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The episode where they truly become the A Team

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I quite enjoyed this episode. Fun moments, cool fights with the dragons and the funny twist with the "boy" they are looking for. Great animations, especially of the dragon.

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Wasn't too impressed with this one. Kinda boring and bland

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Pretty bland and boring episode.

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Shout by FinFan

Althought it's a nice nod to the original trilogy with Jabba's Rancor (I assume it's the same one, could be another but we only saw one in the Palace) a monster fight wasn't just what I was expecting. And ultimately this episode provided not much new as the viewer already knew it was Fennec.

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