A very cool and gripping episode. It could have turned out quite dull if it had just been Jack and Teal'c stuck in a glider, but other elements are brought in that make it all feel very rounded. I particularly love Jacob's appearance and his initial anger at seeing Sam and Daniel show up. In fact, Jacob gets most of the best dialogue throughout here (love the Star Trek reference).

Other than that, it also shows us that Earth is beginning to take strides to adapt alien technology for our own purposes and just how difficult that task is. Steven Williams also makes for an appropriately intimidating General.

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Best quote: "Beam them out? What am I, Scotty?"

I like to think of this story as a sort of tribute to Apollo 13, especially given O'Neill's line, "Cheyenne, we have a problem." It's just a very lucky thing that those AIM-120 missiles just happened to be mounted along the X-301's thrust axis.

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