I think I'm hardwired to instantly enjoy anything with Enrico Colantoni in. He has a small role here but does a lot with it, and I only wish there could have been some more with his character later down the line.

The rest of this episode is fairly great, and quite a contrast to the relatively slow pace of Part 1. They essentially cram two full episodes into one here, because both Daniel/Jack's South American adventure and Sam/Teal'c's mission to investigate the new super soldiers could have been their own things. But this works and the two storylines fit well together. Having both Bra'tac and Jacob along is always good fun.

The stuff with Daniel is more interesting in Part 1 (I especially loved the temple raiding), and here it feels somewhat padded but does develop into something creepy with the reanimated dead guy. And the super soldier itself is a formidable new enemy and feels like the first real threat in quite a long time. I particularly love the way the one on the cargo ship is dispatched.

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