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Stargate SG-1: Season 7

7x13 Grace

There's a lot to like here. A great ambiguity is developed as to whether or not Carter is dreaming or the events happening are real (and years of sci-fi TV tropes would condition us to think that none of this is happening). I particularly love that she hallucinates versions of the rest of SG-1, and even broken down to their most basic character traits they are still so full of personality.

The dilemma that Sam is in eventually takes a backseat to the more emotional drama she's going through and it works. The dialogue here is rather fantastic and is going to allow her to explore some new avenues now. The O'Neill/Carter will-they-won't-they has never really been anything more than a little thing in the back of the character's minds that the show's writers would tease us with for fun, but it was probably a good idea to put it aside here.

The thing which really sticks with me is that we never find out what the little girl, Grace, was all about. A complete figment of Carter's mind, or some kind of alien manifestation trying to help her? Or something else entirely?

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Booorrrrrriiiinnnnggggg! Soooooo booorrriinnnggg.... Carter is not an interesting character when she shares screen time. What could possibly make anyone think she should essentially be the only character in the episode?

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