"I'm Batman!"
"Yeah you're Batman"

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No Gordon, Hopefully You are going to die. Geez I hate Gordon!

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Na cause that face Sam made when he said he lost his shoe was everything.

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very silly episode lol i couldn't help but laugh when sam fell :sob:

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it's really strange going back and watching all of the old spn episodes and realizing that a bunch of the 'the walking dead' cast worked on the same shows previously and it's likely they knew each other or knew who each other were. lauren cohan plays such different characters (maggie vs. bela) that it's really entertaining to watch. same can be said of jdm though (negan vs. john winchester.)

this episode in particular was full of humor. these somewhat lighthearted episodes help uplift the series into something that's both horror and comedy, and it does it in a way that doesn't feel like purposefully staged 'sit com' or typical 'slapstick horror' type shows. this is one of the reasons i love supernatural so much. the writers did a great job of blending genres and developing a fantastic script.

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Bella sucks. She the only reoccurring guest that I never liked. Lucifer was more likable.

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Gordon Walker is the most annoying delusional & mentally disturbed son of a b**ch I've ever seen in my life. If he was real, I don't think I would have a problem with finding him and killing him as soon as nobody would notice. I feel nothing but pure hate for this character.

Also, the "I'm Batman" was really funny.

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Just one citation for this episode : "I'm Batman !"

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"I'm Batman!" <3 Still one of my favorite moments in the entire run of the show.

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