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Taboo: Season 1

1x01 Episode 1

Fantastic atmosphere throughout and the start of really intriguing plotline with the scheming of the East India Company, the impending creation of Canada with Tom Hardy's character holding the key to Vancouver and the black magic undertones

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Tom Hardy plays some bad a..e characters, love him :thumbsup:

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It's been a long time since I've watched something this boring.

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the first pilot was amazing!! liking it so far. But with his voice and his demeanor im still waiting for him to come out in his bane mask LOL

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Tom Hardy doesn't need to speak when he's in the room. You can feel the fear only watching his face

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This opening episode was soooo good!! Tom Hardy is an amazing actor!! The environments, atmosphere, characters, and plot are superbly done. Can't wait to see how this season unfolds and what secrets from the past will come to light.

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Am I reading too far into it to assume that James Delaney and his half-sister had a sexual relationship in the past? Ick! The way he says Africa didn't cure him of his love for her and the letter she wrote saying she was happily married and secrets should stay in the past. Double ick!

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Superb scenography, as expected from the same creator as Peaky Blinders. Great acting, as expected from a british show, with the exception of Oona Chaplin. Maybe it's just that her character is just too bad yet.

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Lo más débil de este capítulo (y espero que sólo pase en este) es el aspecto sobrenatural. De resto todo lo que ha planteado Steven Knight con este comienzo promete ser, cuando menos, bastante entretenido.

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Elegant and very atmospheric show, looked at one go.

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this has the makings of being absolutely awesome. he is like a ticking time bomb that you expect will go off at any time. love it!

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I don't understand the level of praise for the pilot episode, nothing really happened. I liked the characters and the atmosphere but where is the entertainment? It's not 12 Angry Men level of dialogue and it's not Peaky Blinders level of action and plot.

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I get the feeling that I'm going to love this show.
The acting was spot on. Tom Hardy is just a pleasure to watch, and Jonathan Pryce is always a perfect actor. Loved the change of tones in their conversation, the subtle looks and the phrasing.

This show had everyhting, but most of all the intrigue of Delaney's life and the presence of the more magical aspects was played beautifully. It gave the show a visual impact that goes perfectly with the dark victorian setting.

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Shout by Deleted

This is one of those shows that I say needs to be "BINGED"! Why oh why could this not have been on Amazon or Netflix??!

If the rest of the season is anything like this first episode, then we are in for a ride! THardy is captivating and I can not wait to learn all the secrets and see him take on those responsible for his father's death and find out who the mother of his son is. I have a feeling it just might be dear old sister!

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