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Tales from the Loop 2020

The first one was quite good and interesting, but the rest I find incredibly boring. Just a bunch of standalone dragged out stories, that could have been much much shorter. Maybe it's more suppose to be seen as art, than entertainment. Not at all what I was expecting.

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Tales from the Loop is the most humanistic science fiction series, loneliness, loss and the passage of time are themes on which it builds its narrative.

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This was a slow-moving series, but quite well done. Beautiful cinematography and loved the settings based on Simon Stålenhag's paintings.

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About 0% of the vibes you get watching Simon Stålenhags amazing paintings are captured in this poor attempt of a tv show. What a disappointment.
A big part of the paintings are the connection to the 80s in Sweden, and all they could bring to the table is an old Volvo and one Swedish actor

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Our curiosity managed to get us half way. Then the boredom overpowered the curiousity.

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That's how you make "bittersweet ending".

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Hard to recommend. There's some good stuff/ideas here, and it is beautiful at times. But overall, it's excruciatingly slow and drags on. There's not really any excitement in the show either, it's very dreary. I'm not usually one to downrank something based on a slow pace, but this was just hard to get through at times. I liked the first 2 episodes, but after that, it didn't do it for me at all.

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This show would be a lot better if the pace wasn't so unbearably slow. The stories themselves really aren't bad, but they drag horribly.

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This is something else and blew me away. Beautiful, strange, and curious, while also being immersive and fantastical and bizarre. A very clever blend and I hope to find more like it.

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I like everything this show could have been about. But it's just so very dreadfully slow... I only watched two episodes.

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Dull, just dull. If the stories were actually interesting I could put up with the style, sadly they just aren't. Acting is good though (at least in the first episode I tried to keep awake through), hence the 4 rather than 1.

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Love sci-fi n robots n androids n stuff.. oops..Artificial humans..sorry Bishop

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So sad and melancholic but beautiful.

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The concepts of the show have so much potential and so much intrigue but it leads nowhere fast. It sets you up for something more than you finally receive.
The production values are superb and the acting was first rate but I felt let down by the way the story played out.
When it comes down to it you could strip out a lot of the "sci-fi" elements and it'd make no difference to the story. When it does use those elements it uses them well but feels like a lot of wasted potential.

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Way too slow and boring. Couldn’t even manage to watch the first episode.

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First of, the designs/backgrounds are really beautiful. Kind of like Steam-Punk, but in the 70ies. If it would be just for the visuals I'd rate it 10/10.
As for the stories behind it, the series was described to me as "surprisingly wonderful stories, if you are open to it". The description is kind of true as you have to withstand a painfully slow pace and a lot of dull dialogs before getting to the actual story. What is disappointing is, that the stories in the episodes feel like they are adapted from things you have already seen.
- Small town with a mysterious tech Industry... seem a bit like Eureka
- Transpose, very much like "Freaky Friday"
- Statis, feels like some Gadget you'd see in a Doctor Who episode
- Echo Sphere, the whole thing feels like working in an old peoples home

The general feeling seems a bit like a calmer version of Black Mirror. Displaying the dangers of tech when combined with human emotions.

Beautiful images, ok stories, annoying slow pace.

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Shout by Kevin Diedrick
BlockedParent2020-11-10T05:03:39Z— updated 2020-11-25T16:42:00Z

Absolutely brilliant. A show you immediately want to watch again. Not because you got lost in it's complexities but because details tend to be overlooked in simplicity. Very clean cinematography, perfect soundtrack and well written. if you are looking for a thought provoking watch check this out.

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"Sad and beautiful", to take a quote from the final episode. More art than TV, this it the best thing I've watched all year.
Beautiful visuals, slow pace, great soundtrack and no shaky, swirling camera in sight, which seems to be a rarity these days.

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One of the beste things that I ever watched.

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A successful mix of Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Atlas. Beautiful photography and soundtrack. Stories that captivate by their drama involved in fiction.

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When I watched the first episode it gave me Stranger Things vibes with Loretta and Cole and the mystery, but obviously I was way off. Other comments totally nailed the description, this is something you contemplate at, not something that entertains you, is a story about loss and heartbreak, but I feel following Cole’s story is a good reason to keep watching.

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this is barely sci fi and boring entirely people focused not tech/sci

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Shout by Deleted

Only three episodes in. Speaking to what I have percieved so far: Ponderous pacing adds to making moments portrayed uncomfortable in a good way. Ambiguous historical techscape is a plus. Will watch on.

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It's slow but it's beautiful. With that said, I don't think it's for everyone. The story itself is ok. It reminds me of Dark meets Ex Machina meets Black Mirror, but with a dreamy soundtrack. Honestly, the soundtrack and some of the aesthetic idyllic shots were my favorite parts and what made it more watchable. If you're looking for a moody, melancholic mind-bender you may like this one.

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I really enjoy this show. For some people it will be boring, but it’s just the show I’ve been in the mood to watch.

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I think everyone knows "The Twilight Zone", where this weird mystic story ends badly. Then there's the opposite - "Amazing Stories" (, were weird mystic story has quite a happy ending. And then there's this - something in between the two and also every episode is related in one way or the other (unlike the two mentioned before).

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only good thing about this show is the fact that reminded me of "The Leftovers" due to the OST.
that was it. stopped on episode 2.

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I believe this show needs a special kind of audience. Some of it's own breed.
Totally support the idea of being art, more than just entertainment. But doesn't have to exclude each other.
For people who have the patience going to a museum and look at a piece of art for a long time and making their own thoughts.
Nothing is explained down to the obvious here.
I will continue watching and would vote for a second season.
Very happy that things like this still exist.
Thank you, team "loop".

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Rarely have I ever watched a show that has provoked such a lack of reaction on my part. It's the fat-free vanilla yogurt of SF TV. It's not poorly done, and the acting is okay, but there's nothing interesting to connect with.

Plus, the VFX is too clean, so it lacks the kind of pastoral, grounded yet whimsical quality that Stålenhag's amazing art evokes.

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It’s great show but it is so freaking sloooowwww. If you are having issues falling a sleep, watch this show...guaranteed to know you out. I fell a sleep through every episode. Could’ve been so much if it wasn’t so god damn boring.

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Fantastic stories, great cinematography and production values, excellent performances and a superb soundtrack.
The focus of the series are the people and the storytelling, not the special effects or other hollywood super hero bs.
The world and the character building are top notch. Dark, mysterious, melancholic, with a nostalgic feeling in it. just perfect series. In fact, i can't find anything that bothers me.

This is art.

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Incredibly boring and slow paced. Stopped watching after one episode.

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