The feels are so real :'( Finn almost dying, Clarke talking to her mom, Jaha losing it about his son. Bellamy beating Lincoln, in front of Octavia. And my favorite, Lincoln and Octavia! <3 The chemistry between them is amazing.

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God the part where Jaha yells about losing his son will always get me, hits me right in the feels fr.

I can’t wait to start seeing the chemistry between Octavia and Lincoln and Bellamy and Clarke:sob:

Literally my favs

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Shout by gremlin

this episode gives me so many conflicting emotions. between the panic of finn being stabbed, lincoln being tortured while octavia tries to stop it, and finn still defending lincoln when it's all said and done... ugh.

finn truly has a great heart and a really good understanding of other people. even after lincoln almost killed him, finn defended lincoln saying that he was just doing what he had to to survive. and that's true. if they didn't need lincoln for the antidote bellamy may have killed him much sooner. finn recognizing that and understanding lincoln instead of getting angry and seeking revenge says a lot about him as a person.

and of course i love the little moments between octavia and lincoln. despite never speaking and not knowing each other well they understand each other in a way and you can feel that in the way they interact with each other.

and of course the previous episode delving into the backstory on octavia and bellamy and how strong their bond is really made it hit so much harder when you see that trust between them start to shatter in this episode.

really gritty episode. i loved it.

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