"Because of course it is" was pretty funny. Poking a bit of fun on themselves.
Didn't care for Octavia suddenly being all touchy with her brother again for no reason.
"You don't know the formula"/"She changed the passphrase" sooo cheesy and second hand shaming scenes.
Madi is really trying hard to be as obnoxious as Abbie and is even exceeding her in this episode.

Showing someone burn on the stake with gasoline was...somewhat of a bad timing to say the least.
Mixed episode, mostly good things, though. But could have been great without Abbie/Madi scenes.

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So when it comes right down to it, Clarke purged Josephine herself. She could have done it sooner except she was trying no to kill the other (for some dumb ass reason).

That's what I wanted to see. Josephine may have been backed up to a mind drive a few times but she never had to fight other consciousnesses in the City of Light.

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This wasn't the first time Clarke had someone in her head, and she's always been strong enough to prevail. I think Eliza does a great job portraying Clarke and Josephine, changing her intonation and mannerisms just enough that those in the know realize which character she is at the time. Will this house of cards come crashing down around the inhabitants of this new earth?

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Didn't understand why Josephine suddenly turned bad right after they made amends and found a solution to both of their problems. What did she expect to happen if she would've killed Clarke? Why would Octavia and Gabriel let her get away with that? Sad to see Josephine go so quickly because I thought she was a really interesting character.

I'm still curious to see how the Madi issue is going to work out. How will they break the dark commander's spell?

For a moment I thought some main characters were actually going to die when they brought out the stakes at the end, but I was confused to see that Russel just let all of them go because of a promise that he might not even know is true. I could somewhat understand it because murder doesn't really fit his character, but for me, it completely broke the heat of the moment, and the unknown character that still died had no emotional impact on me at all.

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I guess the end did not suck.

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