Good episode. Still really dont like octavia buuut overall nice haha

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For Clarke everthing falls conveniently into place, huh?
I do not think they need Octavia at this point for anything else than drama.
Maddy is already annoying with her indirect influence to Clarke.

Hallowed are the Ori be her name. Oh, hello Martouf and that one soldier from SG-1.
When Clarke was meeting those primes to convince them to let them stay the inside of that dining...hall(?) reminds me very strongly of the insides of a Wraith ship.
I can't help it but this episode felt very Stargate-y.

The "Children of Gabriel" come off as mountain men grounders in this. Story repeats itself, basically.
So far it's a better start than S5's end. Let's hope it won't degrade as much this season.
A bit more than story repetition and boring drama, less mother of Clarke and it could go a good way.
Although religious cult is difficult to pull off.

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I'm really starting to hate Bellamy, leaving her in the woods all alone was cruel and he knows it's dangerous and she may die, they warned them. I'm tired of his unjustified anger. He sure quickly forgot how he drugged her knowing she might die and he didn't care. This is the third time he does that to her. He did worse things than O, he got Lincoln killed as well, but he has to be forgiven, right... Nice episode though.

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Nice episode.
Russell was right not to accept them at the beginning... Now Sanctum is doomed :sweat_smile:
I have a feeling that the woman in Gabriel's children might be Russell's "dead" daughter?

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Shout by Anto Butera
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-05-28T16:44:16Z— updated 2019-05-30T00:12:25Z

Oh, Octavia. You need to stop unnecessarily murdering everyone. I know your mind is pretty much broken at this point because of the terrible decisions you had to make and the fact that everyone keeps blaming you to feel better about their own actions. But you need to start thinking about the consequences before acting. And I'm worried about the fact that I'm pretty sure she's gonna end up teaming up with Diyoza against the dome people. Two killers with no moral compass getting together seems like a terrible idea (will make for an awesome storyline, though).

Seeing Clarke in a dress was so weird! She looked pretty. But the fact her bra straps kept showing drove insane! Stitch that shit in place! Glue it even!

Delilah had absolutely no qualms about ridding Jordan of all his innocence LOL and girl moves FAST! What's it been? Like 48hs at the most since Clarke and Co. landed in this strange new place? Damn! I don't trust the people inside the dome. They seem waaaay too culty for my liking. It's like the mind palace all over again.

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