That just wasn't interesting throwing in the Kennedy's for half an episode. Plus the actor playing JFK was awful. And between their visit in London and the assassination lay two years.

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LOVED the casting choice of Michael C. Hall as JFK!! It’s really difficult to write the Kennedys into any movie/show since they’ve become one of history’s most iconic and well-covered couples - worldwide - but The Crown managed to WOW me with their take. Brilliant viewing.

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This episode had great quotes:

"That's the thing about unhappiness. All it takes is for something worse to come along and you realise it was actually happiness after all."

"There's a perverse logic to a cripplingly shy person ending up in this position. A shy person will seek someone strong to protect them. And a strong character is often one who enjoys public life, who thrives on it. And then before you know it, the very person you've turned to in order to protect you is the very reason you're exposed."

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Poor JFK lol he’s going to meet the same fate as his great grandchild

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Michael Hall as Kennedy is the most surprising casting that I've seen in a while.

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This season has been packed full of educational episodes, but this one tops them all for me.

Even if dramatised, I enjoyed the content fully.

A side of Mrs. Kennedy I've never seen

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Easily the best episode of S2 so far. Unpopular opinion but I feel like this is the first time I see Elizabeth written in such a way that makes her unbelievably human and sympathetic. Absolutely loved it.

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Perfect casting and great representation of history! Ending gave me goose bumps!

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Shout by Jennifer GReyes

Can someone explain the end to me? the comment of why jackie wears the same dress and all the act of mourning on part of the queen ... I feel like I missed something here ....

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An exceptional episode! The casting choice for Jackie Kennedy was really on point. And the storyline was just fantastic focusing on the relationship between the Queen and Jackie.

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It broke my heart when Elizabeth heard what Jackie said about her behind her back.

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Claire Foy has described this episode as her favorite of the season. And I totally understand why, it’s a great episode.

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