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The Crown: Season 4

4x04 Favourites

Another great entry in The Crown‘s fourth season. This episode jumps a few years ahead and deals with The Queen‘s relationship with her four children. Therefore we also get to see Prince Edward and Prince Andrew for the first time in the show I think. At least at an adult age. The episode also shows us the beginnings of the Falklands War, which was quite interesting. Olivia Colman and Gillian Anderson are as brilliant as always.

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The Queen: "Picking favourites! Pish! I love all of my children equally!"
The Queen, earlier: "I don't care for Charles."

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Las Malvinas son argentinas siempre lo serán.

Falklands are argentinian!!! british will never take it from us.

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The setup here felt like a sitcom, where the Queen needs to meet up with all of her children to figure out whether she favors one over the others, or perhaps to prove to herself that she doesn't. It resulted in a fun episode, getting little glimpses into how each child experiences being part of the family and how it affects their psyche. Happy to see Edward and Andrew!

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I think I’ve enjoyed this season the best so far. It might be because I grew up when these events were taking place. My mom woke us up to watch the Royal wedding when I was a kid. I still feels sorry for all the children. They are jerks but I don’t think it is their fault.

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I thought we were going to see the marriage.

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