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The Crown: Season 4

4x09 Avalanche

I know that the dialogues and also a lot of what is shown is fictionalized but if it really happened in a similar way, Charles is definitely the villain in this story. They surely were not a match made in heaven but how Charles treats Diana in this episode is heartbreaking. Can‘t believe that there‘s only one episode left for this brilliant cast.

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Astonishingly good writing and performances. I dislike the royal family intensely, but this had me in tears.

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Queen: Because, if memory serves, you had your own ballerinas for that.
Philip: ...
Viewer: :joy::joy::joy:

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I wonder if the Crown, the Royal Family, values now the importance of Emotional Intelligence. It is clear that most of them were Emotionally Dumb.

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Jesus what a miserable, stuck up twat Charles was

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