Really interesting episode on how the infamous Diana interview came to be. Here the story already takes into account what was revealed last year by the BBC itself that the journalist deceived Diana with fake bank statements that some of her employees were paid to report on her. Overall a really sad story when you think of it.

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To think The Queen watched The Crown in her last years, but used to make such a fuss on exclusively watching the BBC.
It doesn't even make sense. It's assuming the workers of the other stations weren't her "subjects".

Surely her wanting a return on the investment has nothing to do with it and it's entirely a sense of tradition.

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In this era more and more want 3 in a marriage

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I think the differences in how the two interviews, Charles' and Diana's, were shown, are remarkable. Back with Charles, the interview was hightailed by his charity-work... here, Diana just mentions that she wants to reach the people's hearts, but what remains is the interview given by a disillusioned, lonely and damaged woman... and let's not forget the (perceived) damage she does to William, as opposed to Charles' actions which apparently didn't concern the children at all (!?!). Something to think about, I guess.

(And let's not forget that both interviews wouldn't really bother anyone nowadays, I suppose.)

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Best episode of the season! Wow!

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all over the place quality-wise. Elizabeth and Imelda are wonderful in perhaps their best scenes in the season jousting with each other, Prince William's character & story slowly being brought more centrally to his being heir to the throne and you sort of see where the seeds are sown in his development of fidelity to the crown at all costs, and then the godawful awful awful editing between Diana's interview and the singing from the royal performance show. it was a choice and it was a bad choice.

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