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The Curse: Season 1

1x10 Green Queen

The mother earth (green queen) got its revenge. But that's only one of the many ways this finale can be read. Marvelous.

People think this is "just random for weird sake", but it's actually a bold decision carried with weight. The camera following and people looking at it were never a 'twist', that would've defeated the point of making it disturbing. It was not part of the story, but part of the style. If there was a twist that someone was recording or that this was the show that was sold (in a way, that's what is being said) I can't imagine a successful way for it to resolve on camera. It would've been a misstep, like that finale of WandaVision, that shows how worst that choise could get.

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Reddit will go wild with theories but my instant reaction is that it didn't stick the landing.
First were the painful awkward scenes (the cooking show, the gift giving, "I'm telling everyone") and then the interminable hanging upside down moments (the series going full-on A24).
This must have been very stressful to watch for pregnant women.

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"I mean, sometimes you have to go to extreme lengths to make your point..."

I'm surprised this didn't land (ha) for other people. I thought it was a delicious dramatic surge in the same type of absurdity we've seen all season. Electric, visceral, memorable, incredibly funny. And even though it's certainly not where I thought the characters would end up (physically or metaphorically), I found it perfectly satisfying.

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Loved it. I want theories.

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Does anyone remember how Westworld Season 1 was incredible, albeit predictable?

The writers ultimately re-wrote Westworld Season 2 to make it less predictable. The season flopped hard as a result, and most people regard Season 1 as the only good season.

The finale of this show is the unpredictability of Westworld Season 2 dialed up to an 11/10. Many will speculate wild theories and insist they have it figured out, but this was nothing more than a long and elaborate troll.

With that said, I still enjoyed the series overall. Nathan is a master of uniquely awkward humor, and the A24 influence was quite a synergy. I was just hoping for a more coherent and satisfying, but equally bizarre ending.

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Wow. This was a painfully slow show to watch, and the final episode was probably the worst conclusion I've ever seen.

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Cheap cop out way of writing an ending. The intended effect Safdie was going for was everyone will wonder, “why all the gentrification themed - non-magical realism 9 previous episodes?” They’ll think he’s a genius but realize theres little rewatch value. For this ending? Nah. Safdies character was cringe, the episodes were cringe. Stone and Fielder made the experiment slightly watchable but I see this series as sealing Safdie for me as having gone beyond his expertise. It seems he was given an opportunity by the studio with the seed of an idea that never really grows up - rather it just evaporates.

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My partner and I are going to have our first child in a couple of weeks, and I am on the tail end of an illness that gave me weird dreams, so this was an especially strange time to watch this episode (and show).

I'm still not sure why I enjoyed this show so much, but I don't feel the need to solve that mystery. Instead, I'll just sit with enjoying it.

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You just witnessed what happens when you become DOUBLE cursed. Loved it!

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Watching this was among the top three most frustrating experiences of my life

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I’m not yet willing to commit to my own. I need a rewatch I think.

But I have to say it’s one of the first actual instances of absurdism in what critics have described as a deeply absurd show, so idk. It’s only really as absurd as its subjects; until this we’d never gone there.

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Probably the best thing I've ever seen in my life. I cried my eyes out, then immediately had a panic attack.

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Someone activated their C-Moon stand, it seems…

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So, that’s a thing that happened.

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This series overall was such an interesting watch! Something I haven’t seen before like.
I was warned by twitter and tiktok that this show was cringe inducing, but that was its purpose so that’s good! However I was prepared for an extreme level of cringe and awkwardness, and this was mild in comparison.
So I guess that ending was Asher’s curse? Which is ok by me, except Whitney wasn’t that much of a better person… on the last scene I felt like Whitney was at peace and like smirking and my first instinct was like yesss girl, you are free! but then I realized like there’s a reason they were together in the first place so…
I would’ve wanted for the whole show to be as surreal and bizarre as this last episode, but I was a great watch!

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Shout by Andy Gilleand

This is one of the most unexpected, craziest, and messed up episodes of TV I have ever seen. This is going to stick with me for a long time.

On the other hand, the fact that basically none of the rest of the series matters at all is kind of annoying, but honestly I don't even care. That ending was just... wild.

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This is the funniest fucking episode I have seen in a long time. Literally crying laughing by the end.

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