best show ever !!! Can't wait for it to start back !!!

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Omg Patty that was just RUDE

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well goodbye patty, i really liked her

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Shout by Genetai

I liked episode 2x10. There was a lot going on which I like and it felt like a 9. Only downside is that it was a bit full off holes and little annoyances. I'm usually not one to hate on those discrepancies but they were a little too easy and apparant for my taste. Due to those things my rating dropped to something like a 7.5 (so 8 :D). Most noticeable for me were:

  • The "obviously not" response from Wally West was super awkward.
  • Why didn't they just tranquillize Turtle from a distance? (okay, obviously that would ruin the episode but he's so slow and boring anyway that it really felt like an option)
  • Turtle's pulses were irrigular in interval, why point it out as Barry's only option then?
  • Turtle uses a typewriter, is against fast, and is a small time criminal. How on earth does he track a girl he only knows by sight so fast?
  • Why didn't Turtle 'freeze' Wells at the end?

It just felt like Turtle was put in there to keep us busy with action whilst the other drama happened. Still a pretty good episode though :)

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Actually happy that Patty's leaving. A bit bored with the show ruining her character, making her into a fool, a nag she herself said she isn't and a damsel in distress that's begging for her life and then snivelling in her savior arms. Like really, really bored, actually. Good riddance. She'll probably come back though, but I hope (but not really expect) the writers to get their shit together and learn to write her better when the time comes.

That shit aside, I'm so hiped up for the Reverse Flash return. It's gonna be awesome.

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Great return! this show continue to amaze me!

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Hide things from the people you love, wel has not been bad the return

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Shout by D.seL

No wonder the villain is called the Turtle.. Coz this episode moved like one. Booooooring

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Shout by Marth

Ready bad writing in this episode. What was the purpose of The Turtle? What were his motives? Why did Barry not tell Patty? It didn't make any sense at all.
The only good thing about this episode were the last two minutes.

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Shout by Martim

They needed to add that final scene with Reverse Flash to make this episode slightly less irrelevant.

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I was pissed the whole time at Barry for not saying to Patty about him. He was so retarded for being mute all the time she started talking about them and even letting her go in the end like that when she said she's leaving the city. I was like "JUST FREAKING TELL HER ALREADY YOU IDIOT, DON'T BE MUTE LIKE THAT". Jesus. And Wally made zero sense to me, the way he was bitching to Joe about him, and it was him who came to them in the first place. WTF he wants then? Bad script really.

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I get the feeling that multiverse exsist only to bring back characters they already killed.

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Shout by Seán McCabe

It was an interesting first episode back, but probably one of the weakest so far. With Barry stumbling and mumbling deciding whether to reveal The Flash to her. It all ended up too late, which is a shame, as I liked Patty, and I think she was good for Barry. I see her coming back though and tying into Zoom, and Harrison being right.
The second plot was Wally West, who so far as proven to be a wasted character, hes a kid with a chip on his shoulder and Det. West is made to feel like the bad guy. Do something with him or send him back, he's doing nothing.

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