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The Flash: Season 8

8x01 Armageddon (1)

Ah, the classic Flash strategy. When facing the big bad just run around them in circles for about the length of a conversation between side characters, then claim that you hit them with everything you've got despite literally not attacking a single time.
My rating of a 7 comes entirely from how enjoyable the bits with Ray were. If he weren't in the episode it would have been an easy 5.

This show has until the end of this crossover to get good again after the train wreck that was season 7 before I'm just giving up on it entirely. This episode walked a very fine line in that regard. Some bits were done really well, like the fight against the royal flush gang. Some bits really, really were not, like everything to do with Iris and the Citizen that nobody cares about.

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I'm glad to see Ray back, if only for one episode. Sad to say it was probably the only thing I enjoyed this episode, and it was still tainted by the horrendous writing. I'm hoping it will be somehow better than last season..: At least I'm expecting the crossover episodes to carry them for a bit, not sure about the plot though. I know this isn't a flash-only thing, but if you treat every bigger plot/enemy like they're gonna be the end of you (the mc) and the world, it rather quickly loses its effect. I'm not saying lower the stakes but do better, give us something different and unexpected, I beg of you.

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I tried to come back to Flash but for me, without Cisco and Ralph, it is not the same and, of course, every season the writing goes worse and worse.

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OMG this series is dead... they try to resurrect a brain dead series...

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OMG this was slower than a snail going up a drainpipe! I'd rather watch paint drying on a rainy day than this detritus again!!

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“How many times can we say “levelled up” in one 45 minute episode?”

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Shout by treiden

I'm lost as to why Chester freaked out when he said "I'm dead to him" in front of Cecile. Did somebody die that I forgot about?

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Who gives a shit about iris, Allegra, and the stupid paper. Such a was of time.

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Wow that was some seriously bad dialog for the Royal Flush Gang.

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Yeah, right, lets defeat him by just running around in circles for a few minutes and give him time to react. Also: please get rid of Iris...

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Man, I love seeing Ray! Ray Palmer brightens up everything.
I have to admit that I've already seen some bits and pieces of what's to come and I'm excited to see it unfold but it's also making me impatient to see the real action, the one on one that I'm realllyyyy eager to see.
I really couldn't care less about Iris and Allegra's storyline with the paper/podcast... whatever. I know I'm not the only one, I also know there are a lot of Iris fans out there who do want to see it but for me personally I watch the show for the meta-humans, the superhuman science stuff...

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Great start to the crossover seeing ray and Barry work together was amazing and seeing Barry shrink I wonder where there got that from I wonder

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Nice to see a few old faces and some of the new ones, still, they'll have to pull off a miracle to salvage this show. It's not impossible, but it sure is improbable.

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The Atom looks like a copy of Ant-man

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Why on earth do actors on this show pronounce words so oddly? I honestly thought Barry said tempura sickness instead of temporal :rofl: Then something Chester said to Ray was weird too...

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The cheesy one liners for the win i guess?

Who drew that Club on the guys face? You had one job and you did it that shitty?

So you can scan peoples minds yet you still going around killing people because of a vision of them killing people? Why dont you scan everyone before killing them to know their true intentions :joy:

So flash just stands there and make the guy body slam him? This show is never consistent on when Barry can speed move from enemies or not

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