This show just keeps getting better and better. The various characters are terrific and the casting is even better, and the mystery keeps advancing even as the humor keeps flowing. And Cassie? Yeah, she's still a mess.

My only real complaint -- enough to steal a star in my rating -- is the bizarre turn that Megan's story has taken. It comes out of left field and is clunky as all get out from a narrative perspective. And on the practical side, there is NO WAY that Bill or his bosses would allow him to bring home a laptop full of his company's tech secrets so that his wife can surf eBay, or whatever excuse it was that she gave him. It just would not happen. Companies have corporate security and protocols for a reason -- especially if they're dealing in the sort of thing that Bill's company is dealing in.

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The writing isn't great, but its a fun and interesting enough show. Cuoco does a great job leading this but her character does some dumb things, again and again.

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I really gave this a shot, but so many things are just stupid.
She has a lawyer friend yet goes against everything she advised.
If you are being investigated by the FBI, why would you still go to the victim's memorial?
This is just all dumb in all parts.

I am even surprised the book got a hit.

Cassie = Penny + drinking problem x 10

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Cassie desperately needs an intervention.

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I... Don't know? I know alcohol makes people make bad decisions, but this? This girl clearly makes some very very VERY stupid decisions. Why would you act like she did in the funeral? Why did she think his mom would help her? It's kinda annoying and it seems like the writer just wanted an excuse to the plot advance... I hope she become less... Insane? I don't know... Although the whole setting is keeping me glued to the show, at the same time, her carelessness is kinda out of place...

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Good show but could do without the constant drinking.

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At first I thought this is Penny all over again, but it gets better and better.

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Kaley’s acting is same as her acting in Big Bang Theory. She can be very annoying at times. I hope her annoyingness improves in later episodes.

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She was funny and kinda cute at first but at this point she's really annoying. Like she's acting innocent and clumsy, being kind of a b**** sometimes. I'm actually starting to dislike her and the fact that everyone seems to revolve/cling on to her so much like she's some sort of important person, when she's clearly not kinda baffles me =/ I hope the storyline isn't gonna get worse from here.

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Why does this show remind me of Perry Mason.

Also like soap operas it ends on cliff hangers. Very binge friendly. Structured in a way to be binged.

The quality of the show keeps decreasing bit by bit with each episode. This episode was particularly weak sauce.

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