We shouldn’t expect any other response. With Shaun’s approach to life any kind of emotional relationship was going to be challenging.

I feel so sorry for Lea, she hasn’t as far as I’ve seen done anything to deserve that. In fact the blame lies with Carly who used her assumptions to guide him in the wrong direction.

Powerful scene from Freddie Highmore, it really grabs you.

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Whoa, Shaun had that "Norman" look in his eyes a couple of times. Haven't seen that in a while.

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did they change dash’s actor? also damn idk how to feel about this lea thing

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For Christ sake. This is not enjoyable at all. Shan is just a total asshole. Any person, autistic or not, that would behave like him would be fired right away, and rightly so. I am seriously considering dropping this show after this season unless there is some drastic improvement in the last couple of episodes.

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omg what shaun did was sooooo much worse than smashing her car

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Freddie Highmore should deserve an award for this episode.

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I would prefer if Claire and Melendez just kept being friends...

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Why do shows, movies, or songs insist on trying to give females the stupid notion that if the guy cheats or whatever supposedly upsets her to retaliate by damaging his car? Whether it's smashing, or scratching it up, or cutting the leather seats, it's wrong and dumb. Not saying that I have had it happen to me nor have I ever cheated but if a female did that to me, one, my insurance would fix it, two, she would be charged and have the record. Cheating, albeit wrong and hurtful is not illegal but vandalism is. They need to stop giving females the wrong idea.
But the episode was pretty good nonetheless! Lol

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So basically Shaun became hateful Sheldon. Fire him already and let me see the show with the rest of characters.

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damn this was a good episode....

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Honestly Shaun went off this ep and I hate Lea he’s completely right that she’s prejudiced and she is really self centred.

obvs he was totally rude but from seeing Shaun this whole episode he’s clearly having a really bad time and maybe autistic burnout so it’s pretty understandable that he’s being so upset

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Indeed Shaun; she never respected you…

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I think cleare took the show... " I think I love my boss" can't wait to see what comes out of this

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