What the f... again. That bitch is practically blaming her father because her even bigger bitch if a mother stole the money her father sent? This show has really turned into a bullshit wokeshow.

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What the f...? Some dipshit unloading someone else's gun should be shot. Typical Hollywood anti gun bullshit from the same fuckers that hire private protection after they shouted about defunding the police.

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Why do the writers have to conflate gun safety with women's right to choose. Dr Glassman's concern about a gun in the house he lives in is just as valid as Debbie's concern about feeling controlled. Dr Glassman can be a controlling person, but he can also be right about not wanting a gun in the house.

If the genders were reversed, and a woman didn't want a gun where she lived, the storyline wouldn't be about the man's right to choose. It would just be about whether two people can find a compromise, and if neither side can compromise, then it's just bad compatibility and shouldn't be together.

I also don't understand America's obsession with guns. Could you imagine if Debbie wanted a super aggressive dog in the house, one that attacks, maims and potentially kills intruders, but also has a high rate of accidentally attacking and killing the owners of the house (which guns do!)... how is that allowed? And in that scenario, how would it be okay to force Dr Glassman to accept that the guard dog has to be allowed in the house?

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