Shout by J_345

Love!? That was a weird way to get together.

:sob: noooo!!!! not Claire, shes the glue that holds the team together. Hope she isn’t gone for ever.

I was hoping Sean and Claire would say they’re best friends. At least sean can say it anyway, she was the first person to even talk and listen to him. And was always his sounding board and vise versa.

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What a season finale… hurdles and burdens plus, happiness and hope; basically being a human being.

Good luck Dr. Brown, you’ve been always care for the people. Congratulations to Dr. Shaun and; Dr. Reznick, please don’t f:asterisk_symbol:ck with Dr. Park!

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What a episode aaaaaa claire :sob:

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Noooooooooo Claire! So sad she’s leaving the team!

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Shout by JaLi94

A great 2-part finale. I´m really sad to see Claire go.. I´ll really miss her, she was my favorite character for a while now :(

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Good finale. I'm so glad they didn't put someone's life in peril. Although, Claire is now working for free and still has debt to pay. I'm not sure anyone in their right mind would have made that choice. I do agree with her sentiment about Reznick though. The series could honestly wrap right here for me and I'd be content.

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Let's give it up for David Shore and all the cast, such a moving finale. Special round of applause for Claire.

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Good episode and a decent finale. But I think that it needed more intensity during the episode, it was a little flat or lackluster.

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OMG! The Hug!! Then the marriage proposal!! So good!!

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CRAP!! I didn't see that coming and they did it to me again!!

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