The best episode ever hands down “I’ve just had a transgender operation” oops sorry

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I think this may well be the single best episode these three have ever made. A marvellous piece of engineering that they put together themselves that did the job and carried them through. Some great humour throughout, and a staggeringly beautiful country to do it in. Just spectacular from beginning to end.

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Best episode ever (including both Grand Tour and Top Gear)

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So this has to be the best episode yet doesn't it? Beautiful scenery (but not that special) but certainly lacked a bit of humor this one. They have made better episodes like Farmcana and Marocco.

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one of the best if not the best of the show so far!

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Some of the most beautiful imagery in the series, and just a really great episode as well.

Also apparently next year is going to be all specials like these, so if this is a glimpse at what's to come, I'm all for it. Although I will miss some of the other bits, as well as Abbie as I'd imagine she wouldn't be back in the new format.

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I used to watch top gear until clarkson Hammond and may left, and although the grand tour isn’t the same format, it’s definitely getting to the same quality entertainment we know and love from the 3 of them. Great show in its own right, just wait for it to get its footing and it’ll be better than top gear.

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One of the best episode for the whole series.. Loved it!!!

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This one is definitely one of the best episodes ever, no gimmicks, just them, a car and getting to the finish line.
Loved it

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