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The Grand Tour: Season 5

5x03 Sand Job

It's much more laid back/muted, not as many laughing moments but the cinematography, drone shots, music, make up for it. I found it to be the best of the GT series.

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I ended up fast forwarding some of the bits, a lot of it was the same we have already seen.

Messing up with their cars, leaving one behind when they get car trouble, crossing a river in a makeshift raft, drag racing on air strips.

I really like The Grand Tour and the older Top Gear episodes and specials, I just wish they would come up with something totally new.

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the screwing about with each others cars is starting to be annoying. in this case it more or less destroyed the DB9.
sometimes it's funny, but more often than not its just juvenile.

anyway. one more episode to go after this I guess.

too bad, I'll miss the specials.

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Not the best episode they've ever made.
Still funny, just none of the pause it cause "I can't breathe and I can't see through the tears" moments in other episodes.

The road flattening bit was stupid though.

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I hate that they only make one of these per year. When we eventually get one, it's brilliant. As soon as I realised this one will go on for over 2 hours, I purposely started pausing it and replaying some parts to make it last longer. I spent most of my Saturday watching this episode. I regret nothing.

The best comedic part for me was when Clarkson started explaining Global Warming to Hammond. :joy:

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Very varied, it's odd, it's as if they've forgotten what made their specials good.
Maybe I'm older and more perceptive, maybe they were always in the know, but it really does feel like only 15% is real.
What I mean is, the great specials felt like producers trolling them, scripting the story sure, but the trio being more than not authentic.
These newer ones, it's beyond obvious everyone is in on joke before it even starts.
As an example, the initial downhill, why not "Mr. Amazon said: just drive down here, here are some useful tools", and you can apply that to every scene in this, and recent years really.
As I said, maybe it didn't change? But if it didn't then they forgot how to act

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Another all timer special! Not ready for it to end.

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