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The Great 2020

In AMAZING news, The Great Season 3 is coming very soon!! (I’m posting this at the beginning of March 2023). Absolutely cannot wait!

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An utterly delightful and absurd romp through "an occasionally true" story of Catherine The Great's rise to power. A powerhouse cast, great visual design and acerbic comedic writing all pull together for an entertaining ride that's short enough to not be tiresome.

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Absolutely stunning comedy, great visuals, awesome writing and epic acting by the two leads. Its baffling to me, why this show was canceled and didnt attract a bigger audience.

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I liked this a lot better than I was expecting. From the trailer I thought it would be a very unserious barely-funny comedy. But it's actually just some jokes here and there, in between a great story. I especially love the characters.

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Such an extremely refreshing show. The entire ensemble from beginning to end was so extremely talented and every character, minor or large, got a chance to shine throughout the show & the character developments were done very well. Each character of the "main cast" is so complex, especially the women, each one has several different sides, angles, and perspectives that make watching them all so intriguing. On top of the whole cast being stellar Elle Fanning's performance as Catherine was phenomenal from beginning to end. Such an amazing uniquely done show.

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While I respect Fanning and Hoult's acting skills, I don't have a high opinion of the show itself. Yes, I know that we are dealing with fiction, but it is set in historical realities that sometimes conflict too much with the accepted narrative.

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I knew the news, it would get cancelled, because without skins actor it would lose most of the audience. Well for what it was , it was an alright show more entertaining than funny. Wish all the cast well in the next future projects. Hope they stay away from drugs. smoke and not too much alcohol.

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Defintely not historical in the traditional sense of what history is, but it is a fairly cute show.

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The Great is not just great. The Great is marvellous.

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Huzzah! That is all. Now, fuck off.

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Shout by Cocalarix
BlockedParent2020-06-07T11:27:02Z— updated 2023-06-17T22:09:08Z

It is insane this show is not more popular. This was a FUCKING TREAT to watch. Holy shit, what a great job everyone did on this.

Edit: They've kept the quality up for all 3 seasons. This is such a fun show to watch, and I bet they've had fun doing all the crazy stuff in it. Hopefully they do more, but I'd also kinda want them not to milk it too much.

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A very unique, peculiar show. I enjoyed its sassiness; the cast is great, however, by the second season, it became a bit... well, boring might be a strong word here, but I found myself not wanting to binge the episodes as I usually do with other series. Overall, I like the concept, but I think two seasons might be enough here, the ending doesn't call for more either.

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Catherine and Peter had more chemistry in that one scene in which he tongued her than Catherine and Leo had in all their scenes together combined

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Really good series. I wish it had a bit more historical relevance with the dark humor and drama. Either way, it was a joy to watch. Hope there is a Season 2!

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Absolutely amazing i loved it so wonderful very very attractive people

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I thoroughly enjoy this series. I feel it's for as complex of reasons as underpin Catherine and Peter's relationship. The stakes are real. The characters deliberate and consistently offering their unique perspectives to each scene. I love the humor, sexual overtones, the style, and the pace. It's immersive. If I miss dialogue, I go back and make sure I heard it. It's unique, cutting out what can't be easily written off as "period drama" or excuse to recycle old costumes. I'll have to think more on it and come back, but it's just sinking in more and more how much I look forward to each episode.

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I can't believe some people criticizing for not being historically accurate when the show itself makes it clear that it is not !
A fresh concept, dark and stoic humor going hand in hand with cynical cruelty.
The end of season was a little disappointing for me but I definitely wish there is a Season 2.

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A very enjoyable short series. Enjoy great period clothing with humor and no gloom & doom. A fresh take on period shows.
Not for you if you are a stickler for historical accuracy, this definitely isn't that.

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Great first season, exceptional really! Season 2 much less so.

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A beautiful, gruesome portrayal that isn't afraid to make everyone look human. Catherine - and Elle Fanning - is at her best when she's clever and confident. Honestly, it wasn't as funny as I expected, but I still loved every moment!

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This is seriously the best thing I've watched in a long time. Sometimes gruesome. Always amazing. It kind of reminded me of "The Princess Bride" meets "The Royals". I binged it and want a LOT more.

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Somehow it's sad that the story of this show has only occasionally any resemblence to historical events. For example Czar Peter wasn't a dimwit at all, they were married for 20 years (they hated each other though) and he was only king for six months until he was toppled and died "under mysterious circumstances".
The real life of Catherine the Great was fascinating enough to make a compelling TV show. Why would you chose to turn it into an overly ridiculous fantasy story?

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This occasionally true story takes its subtitle to mind-boggling levels. Very little is actually historically accurate here, but why though? Wouldn't a historically accurate version have been way more entertaining, needless to say educating?! Especially considering that Catherine is all about education, I don't really see the point in making this show so ridiculously historically inaccurate. Pretty much nothing is accurate here, least of all, of course, the casting - it would have been more fun to actually see Russians speaking Russian here, rather than British people not even pretending to be Russian.

The show is entertaining, though it drags on a bit towards the end. They either should have moved the events of the final episode in S1 to a much earlier episode, or just have reduced the number of episodes to a maximum of 6-8.

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It was amusing at first but quickly started to get repetitive and drag on. Then the ending didn't make much sense nor did it actually go anywhere.

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I finally finished it yay! I went into this with absolutely no background knowledge of who Catherine the Great was so was a bit disappointed to find out it was only occasionally factually correct. It could've been shortened down a little as well.

With that being said, it was engaging and interesting almost all the way through, the writing was good and I would recommend.

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Shout by Dustin
BlockedParent2021-02-06T09:24:44Z— updated 2021-02-16T23:18:00Z

The first episode was horrible by just quickly and randomly introducing the characters. After that it is rather boring but somehow gets better. Not amazing though.

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basically, since I have no idea how to mark this as dropped on this website, I'll just comment it. frankly I liked the cast, not so much of the characters but they're fine. my only problem is with the "comedy" here... honestly I can't describe how much of a turn off it is, like say we're in a serious scene, next moment the emperor is banging his friend's wife, or a sad and emotional scene? what a good time to bang! the rhythm and fluidity between each scene is horrible, the only characters that made me hold on for this long were Catherine, our actually hilarious Marial, and Vlad and in the end they had to kill him off, the rest were as just not it. tbh considering that this is an occasionally true story I put too much expectations on it, it's clearly my fault that I didn't think twice before deciding to watch this...

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it was fun and all at first but it didn't catch my interest so i had to DNF it. Also, some humor from stupidity were out of the belt for me.

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Couldn't past from first episode.An absolute atrocity.

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Trash crude attempt at humour. No history just stupidity

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Welcome to Hulu -- where all men are in charge and yet terribly dumb and all women are strong yet severely oppressed!

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Unfortunately, the humor is overshadowed by how dark, cruel, and downright disturbing the story is. I'm all for some dark humor, especially when it comes to death. That being said, when the humor is about abuse? That's when I draw a line. I felt myself more horrified and sad by what was happening to Catherine and how she was being treated than anything. On top of it all, you can't count on anything being historically accurate, so it's a bit of a waste of time as you'll have to research what is real and what isn't. I'd skip.

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Shout by cabbagehead
BlockedParent2020-05-25T11:35:42Z— updated 2023-05-13T07:03:30Z

Hysterically funny and brilliantly acted, freshest TV I've seen all lockdown! Edit: May 2023 - the jokes wore thin, season 2 is shit, wont bother with s3.

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I will subscribe to Hulu just to watch this when new seasons are offered. Really well done. Heartily recommended.

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Shout by Deleted

The idea of black noblemen in Russia historically was unbelievable. Other than that I'm not sure the language would have been so Anglo Saxon and crude.

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Humor is so subjective. I want to be laughing while I watch this.

I give myself an award for making it through the 1st episode and free myself of the burden of having to watch more.

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The first season is an absolute 10. The acting and writing is all around great. Hoult is devastatingly charming, wicked, and funny Once the novelty of the tone and characters wears off, the other seasons are not as exciting with too much repetition. I highly recommend. I'll keep watching and I'll happily rewatch the first season again down the line

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This show reminds me Galavant, funny but no sing songs and its 18+

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