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  • 2007-04-21T00:00:00Z
  • 45m
  • 9h 45m (13 episodes)
  • Documentary
The History of Fascism is an Italian documentary series produced in collaboration between Corriere della Sera and RAI. Historian Piero Melograni served as editor for the series.

13 episodes

Series Premiere


1x01 The origins (1919-1922)

Series Premiere

1x01 The origins (1919-1922)

  • 2007-04-21T00:00:00Z45m

With the end of the First World War, the whole of Europe is entering a new phase, in many ways more problematic. The nations are no longer those of the past, Italy itself has undergone profound changes that the old ruling class will not be able to understand. It's in this scenario that Fascism flourishes and grows up to gain power, through a different social strata. The march on Rome, a demonstration of little military value, but of great political impact, confirms the onset of the fascist era.

The March on Rome marks the advent of the fascist era. Italy changes under the influence of Mussolini and is shrouded by fermenting violence and fear. After the election of Mussolini as prime minister, the country is shaken by the June 1924 murder of the socialist deputy Giacomo Matteotti. It is the beginning of the end for democracy.

On January 3, 1925, in parliament, Mussolini assumes all moral responsibility for the violence perpetrated, but refuses any criminal liability. It is the turning point, where Fascism transforms as a regime. They approve the fascist laws that decree the death of every liberal institution; all of it taking place before the eyes of a King and the hesitant remainder an opposition in Italy, who are powerless to do anything.

Mussolini in Italy is aware that it is impossible to govern without the support of Catholics, and then implements policy changes that are aimed at rapprochement with the Vatican.
The negotiations between the Holy See and the Italian government are concluded in 1929 with the signing of the Lateran Treaty. The "Roman Question" is settled, but even if the Church appears to come out as the winner, shadows of a new crisis looms over the dome of St. Peter.


1x05 Europe in crisis (1929)

1x05 Europe in crisis (1929)

  • 2007-05-22T00:00:00Z45m

After the end of World War I Europe lost the military and economic initiative to the United States, which seemed to spell an end to European primacy. The war had tested the economies of the nations of the old world and there were attempts to address the crisis and rally popular support for totalitarian measures. The collapse on the New York Stock Exchange in 1929 also had an impact on the European economy, which subsequently made burst into world politics.

1x06 The compromises of the regime

  • 2007-05-29T00:00:00Z45m

Politics is the subtle art of compromise, and Musollini will not forget it during the years of his rule. He, in despite the fact that the Fascist movement is republican, is determined maintain the monarchy, the king will remain head of state and this will have profound importance on the 23rd of July, 1943. Also keep in mind that he could not underestimate the "Roman Question", which since the time of the unification of Italy had been hanging over the fate of the governments. Once more he had to make compromises with the most radical wings of the party.

1x07 The consensus-building (1926-1936)

  • 2007-06-05T00:00:00Z45m

To obtain the consent of the population, Mussolini also uses the means of communication. The newspapers lose their characteristics and increasingly resemble each other, the culture is subjected to close surveillance. In the absence of the true ideology, the regime bases its unifying force on the cult of Il Duce. But the growing relationship between Mussolini and Hitler leaves cracks between Il Duce and his people, to finally break with Italy's entrance into the war.

1x08 The decline of consensus (1937-1943)

  • 2007-06-12T00:00:00Z45m

The purpose of the consensus that Mussolini enjoyed is undermined in the mid-thirties by the foreign policy, influenced by his relationship with Hitler. This adds two wars in Ethiopia and Spain, but the Italian people does not like to fight. In 1938 the racial laws are enacted that affect negatively the public opinion. In September 1939 Hitler attacks Poland beginning World War II, and Mussolini leads the country into a huge disaster.


1x09 The Empire (1936-1940)

1x09 The Empire (1936-1940)

  • 2007-06-19T00:00:00Z45m

Since 1923, Mussolini believed to be able to open a new colonial era. The African region in which the plans to extend the Italian influence is mainly oriented to Ethiopia. On May 5 1936, Italians occupy Addis Ababa. The king becomes emperor, and Mussolini announces to the world: "Behold, after fifteen centuries, the reemergence of the Empire on the fateful hills of Rome." Italy is now pushing toward an alliance with Hitler.

1x10 The Second World War (1939-1940)

  • 2007-06-26T00:00:00Z45m

Britain and France declared war on Germany following the invasion of Poland. Italy remained among the "non-belligerent", but Il Duce afraid of being cut off from major events and June 10, 1940 proclaimed war from the balcony at Pizza Venezia. A war on several fronts, which in a short time, collapses the hopes of even the most optimistic.

1x11 The Second World War (1941-1943)

  • 2007-07-03T00:00:00Z45m

At the beginning of 1941, the Italians are in trouble on all fronts. On April 6, Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital conquered only five years earlier is evacuated. The atmosphere is dark and the regime's propaganda fails to convince. In July-August 1942, the Axis forces reach their maximum territorial expansion and delude themselves that they still have not lost the war. In fact, the decline of the Axis is now starting.


1x12 Invaded Italy (1943-1945)

1x12 Invaded Italy (1943-1945)

  • 2007-07-10T00:00:00Z45m

Between July 9 and 10, the Allies land in Sicily. Italy is defeated. On July 24, the Grand Council votes on an order of the day that states the need to return the King in command of the armed forces. Mussolini disagrees but is outvoted. The Germans assume military control of the peninsula, and on September 3, 1943 in General Castellano signs the surrender. On the 9th the royal family departs from Rome, leaving the country in disarray.

On September 12, German commandos free Mussolini, who subsequently announces the foundation of the Italian Social Republic. In the new state, the Germans dominate; while Galeazzo Ciano and the other members of the Grand Council there had voted against Mussolini are shot, all the while in the north the forces of the resistance gather tens of thousands of fighters.
