Personal Lists featuring...

The Inbetweeners 2008


No Channel Listed Documentaries


The movies that were screened at the New York Asian Film Festival 2004 by



Simple, shows that I want to watch.


"First, I apologize. I know I left some of your favorite shows off this list. How do I know that? Because I left some of my favorite shows off this list. The happy and unfortunate fact is that there are far more than 150 great shows, and more created every year."
Redouane, plagiarizing from TIME TV critic James Poniewozik.

Last Update: February 2022


So much good stuff from across the pond and other countries!!


These are my favourite 6 movies, animated movies, TV Series, and animated TV series.

Movies: 1-6
Animated Movies: 7-12
TV: 13-18
Animated TV: 19-24

- Within each group the entries are in no particular order.
- I consider all 3 of the Lord of the Rings movies to be top 6 but to save space I only put the first one on here.
- Only the first season of Eureka Seven is worth watching as it is a completed story and season 2 is horrible.
- Your Name, The Secret World of Arrietty, Eureka Seven, From the New World, Nichijou, and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood should all be watched in Japanese.
- DARK should be watched in German.


Scripted live-action episodic TV shows I've watched, started to watch or want to watch.
