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The OA: Season 2


I think those of you whining that this is too weird are the same people that managed to flunk art class.

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Guess we're hentai now.

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Episode must be called WTF. I don't understand a single thing

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And The Great Dreamer is here... Holy fuck, this keeps getting better and better

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I have no idea what's going on, but I Am Uncomfortable.

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what the fuck is brit marling smoking when she wrote this show?? i. don't. fucking. understand. am i really alive right now?? i don't know. fml

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YESSSSSS!!!! Holy shit. Like. Wow. This is the kind of storytelling i've been waiting for. So many questions, cannot wait to see more. .. Wait, i don't have to wait! Onward to the next! Cya at the end, my friends.

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Was this episode written by Stephen King? I mean a telepathic octopus seems like something he would think was a good idea.

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The definitions of What the Fuck were updated.

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this episode is the definition of a brain explosion

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