Not majorly entertaining but I'll probably prefer it when I know the characters better (even if essentially I know their American counterparts). Don't remember this storyline being in US so maybe it's not as much of a copy as I thought?

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This show is so genius lol

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I didn't love it. I didn't find it as funny as the first one.

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Gareth comes into his own in this episode with his ‘Invetigation’ of the obscene pic that was circulating.

He really deserves all the piss-taking that Tim dishes out to him (and more).

I don’t remember if the dog sex video in the warehouse made the leap to the US version... Maybe this shows an important difference between the senses of humour our two nations?

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Shout by dgw

Okay… Not actually as funny, I thought, as the pilot, but it had a few moments.

After noticing Stephen Merchant in the executive producer credits of the US series earlier, I paid attention to the credits here and saw his name as writer & director. I loved how he played Wheatley in Portal 2, but I realize that he was not the writer there and Valve's material is not at all a representation of his comedic style. This show is.

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