I'm honestly relieved Michael left, his immaturity and dumbassery ended up making me frustrated.

And this is the first christmas episode where he doesn't fuck something up!

Andy's trying hard, and I vastly prefer his more toned-down nature here. Always thought he was a bit cringy, but over this past half-season he's really matured.

Jim and Dwight trying to frame each other is pretty good, and drunk Erin is the complete opposite of what I'd expected.

Overall, it's pretty good. Mainly been enjoying the lack of Michael in the past season-ish.

His character archetype works best in small doses, but they'd always try to make him the focus.

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Show really just not that funny at this point

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Christmas isn't Christmas without Michael, the series really went downhill since Steve left...

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Best part of this episode
Erin: Kelly.... game on!!
Kelly: On it.

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this was one of the better latter day office episodes, mostly just had some good humorous moments.

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