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The Orville: Season 1

1x12 Mad Idolatry

I actually loved this episode, Still taking some getting used to though, I have to keep reminding myself, It's not Star Trek. I would very much like to see another season of The Orville and has one commenter said, it'll be the making or breaking of the show,... I'm hoping it'll be the making, to be honest, I love anything Sci-Fi related that helps me escape from this Backwater Rock of a Planet, even if its just for a short time. Get Writing Seth!

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Did... Did we just witness the Q's origin story?

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Excellent episode. I loved the focus on Grayson. A while ago I was sad that Adrianne Palicki left Agents of Shield, but now I see it as a blessing in disguise! She is fantastic as Kelly Grayson and I can’t inagine anyone else in this part.

The ending was literally a deus ex machina ending, which is not a bad thing. It wrapped up the episode in a decent fashion.

This is the season finale and I am sad that it’s going away for a while, I can’t wait until season two.


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A great ending to the first season of the surprise show of the year (well, for me, at least).
Messing around with the Prime Directive was always fun in Star Trek and, as expected, it was fun in The Orville, too. Though this episode does borrow a lot from a few specific Star Trek episodes, I don't see it as something bad or as some sort of cop-out, but as a tribute done right. The Orville is like a covers album of Star Trek, but one done with care, love and respect. Long gone is the satire show everyone was expecting ("Family Guy in space", as I thought of it myself, at the beginning of the season). What we got, instead, was something that easily fits the Star Trek lore. The Orville will never be part of Star Trek (though I'm still waiting/praying for Patrick Stewart to show up as Jean-Luc Picard in some weird quasi-crossover), but as I watch each episode I actually keep forgetting that this is not Star Trek. Thats "mission accomplished" in my book.
Well done, Seth! Looking forward to the second season, it cannot come soon enough!

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I’m so glad Issac came back after they teased us with him possibly leaving, but GOD DAMMIT I actually wanted Ed & Kelly to get back together. I guess the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. T_T

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Good episode. Nice solid end to the season, that took a bit to get its stride. I wouldn't have thought i'd say this a few episodes back, but i'm looking forward to season 2 now.

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Shout by dgw

> Directed by Brannon Braga

Well, then. That explains rather a lot about the tone.

This is such a rehash of several other Star Trek franchise stories (see @Abstractals' review for the main influences) that it's hard to give the story too much credit. Like many other episodes of The Orville, the resolution feels rushed and trite, predictable to a fault and ultimately unsatisfying. It's a shame because most of the stories could be truly amazing if given the proper attention (and if most of the lame jokes were taken out, of course).

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Season finale. A classic theme in Star Trek and that is scary for its possible consequences and bad people. I hope they renew it since it has pleasantly surprised me

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I laughed in spite of myself at the outcome of the game of Latchcomb.

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Kudos Seth. A little bit predictable but nonetheless great writing.

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