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The Orville: Season 2

2x09 Identity (2)

Definetly the hasty resolution I have come to expect from this show but hey, at least it wasn't a simulation!

And my GOD that dogfight sequence was amazing... This show ain't as cheap as you may think folks.

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They must have burned a huge chunk of their budget for this two-parter but, boy was it worth it !
When this show started I hadn't dreamed it would reach this level. With those two episodes they raised the bar, and I am sure the expectations of many, moving forward. Please stay on this course Orville. I am so much looking forward now for the continuation of the plots started here.

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Even though a lot of plotpoints were expected this was a very exciting conclusion to the previous episode. The space battle had me on the tip of my seat and I had a few chuckles while we're at it. No lenseflares, no shakey crap. The show makes me feel how I felt when I was 17 watching Star Trek, Space Above and Beyond and other great sci-fi.

Can't wait for the next episode.


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I didn't know The Orville had it in it to tell such a brutal story in such a serious way. Pretty cool fight scenes, too. However the ending was a little spotty; after going into a story with such extreme complications it took some easy ways out. But good job.

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Orville is moving from comedy to one of the best sci-fi shows ever made. The two episodes were just fenomenal!

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Sweet Goddess of Space Dogfights! This was an excellent action episode! Man, I was glued to my seat most of the time, petrified with excitement (is that even possible?)! I honestly felt like I was a teenager again, watching a thrilling episode of The Next Generation, with Picard doing his best to shake off the Borg menace!
I never thought I'd say this, but the lower budget on The Orville actually made the space battles feel more Star Trek-y than in STD.

Of course, like someone mentioned in the previous episode (I think), Isaac being a deus ex machina was pretty much a given, so no surprises there. What I did not expect was for the Orville crew to get in touch with their long sworn enemy to get them to join forces to battle a common enemy. That may have been an overused cliché, but it was still satisfying to see it happen.

This was a solid conclusion to what will surely be remembered as the most exciting two-part episode from The Orville.

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Welp... They painted themselves into a corner and couldn't quite deliver an adaequate solution.
That was just too easy. And they even ended the episode with everything kinda going back to normal. Other shows who are more interested in plot development (like The Expanse for example) would have made so much more out of this.

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I think this episode was a branch into darkness and I liked it... Crazy times.

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Not one, not two, but three Krill ships just happen across the Orville's shuttle less than five minutes after it drops out of quantum space? In what looks like the middle of nowhere? But they can't see the Kaylon sphere coming until it drops out of quantum space? Sure… I refuse to believe Kelly and Gordon are that lucky. (Of course, three thips were necessary so the Kaylon could destroy the two of them our heroes weren't aboard and drive home the point.)

And Ty punches three buttons to enter a five-character access code… What?

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I really enjoyed this 2-parter, but I do have to admit to feeling a little bit let down by the conclusion. It all felt a bit too predictable to the point where it was almost like joining-the-dots, and dare I say it there was even a sense of hitting the reset button with the way things all wrapped up. It just removed any tension or excitement for me once it became clear the way things were going.

Self-contained episodic storytelling is not something I miss from the '90s, but I think The Orville gets it right for the most part by letting their characters grow across episodes (although, it's more their relationships that grow rather than the characters themselves; everyone is more or less the same person they were in the pilot episode). This one veered a bit too much in the wrong direction for me, and having Isaac back on the bridge to resume his duties is beyond insane, but it's all a fun ride.

Need more Malloy stories!

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Shout by Deleted

This 2-parter touches so many topics: sentient being, slavery, forgiveness, making friends with enemy... but none is explored in any satisfactory way. What a pity.

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Resolution of the previous one, here they have been due to spend almost all the budget of the season, but they have been well

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Well, it was no Kobayashi Maru but I'll take it.

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