I liked it! This episode was a great exploration and development of the Issac character. It really asked the question of just how he feels, if at all. I don't know that I am satisfied with the result, but it's one I should have expected. Maybe I was hoping for something Data-like, and maybe that's coming. It'll be interesting to see where it goes.

I liked the pew pew parts and the cgi space ship space station scenes. Great job on those, and I love all the extra details on literally every surface.

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The writers are just not intelligent enough for the intellect of the characters they are writing for.

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I'm glad to see that the move from Fox to Hulu was good for this show; though the filler from the extended runtime was impossible to miss, I'm hopeful that future episodes will make better time of it. The fact that Seth MacFarlane was able to resist filling those extra minutes with sophomoric dick jokes is a positive development, instead it was filled with solidly expensive special effects though perhaps they laid the score on a bit thick.

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If Isaac really want to help why does n't he just uploaded his whole database.

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-06-02T20:20:14Z— updated 2022-06-08T22:28:46Z

Good to have them back. It's the only contemporary Star Trek show I like. Oh wait ... It's obviously a humble and quiet plot meant to draw you back into this show. I actually appreciate that they don't just throw a menacing phenomenon at us that is threatening the very existence of mankind or of the whole universe like other shows do (I'm looking at you Discovery and Picard!). But even that little story with Isaac proves the show's potential that exceeds the limits of the comedy it was supposed to be originally.

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First thing I noticed is how much filler there is. Not sure I understand the point of making the episode 20 minutes longer, just to use that time on people sitting/standing in silence, too long cgi transitions and no stakes fights with bots (yeah yeah, she's so good with dimensions that she lost the fight and fast. I guess she was playing 4d chess).
On another note, never realized how obvious is the resemblance between Isaac and Zuckerberg. It's as if Mark got spraypainted gray! Awesome!

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So good to see this show back, couple of minutes in and it's already better than all the "other" shows being pumped out.

Norm still has some lines too!

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So who thought it would be a good idea to do a live fire exercise in the ship yard?

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I was expecting way more for a season premiere after 3 years of leave tbh. It feels all over the place, like the producers couldn’t choose between slice of life and the usual lesson, so they decided to compress and do both and couldn’t get the pacing right on top of that. I hope the rest of the season will be better and this is just a fluke.

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As a fan of science fiction i missed shows with this quality of writing. The focus on the train of thought of an artificial being felt more natural and human than the forced narratives of other tv shows. It was one hour of focusing on the value of life itself, not it's shapes, colors or preferences.

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Ahh, the new Ensign is Seth MacFarlane's real life girlfriend. Now it makes sense...

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So glad the Orville is back, but man, did they have to choose suicide as the topic of the episode to bring it back on?

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I suggest watching the last couple episodes of season 2 before watching this to remind you of where the show is coming from. That was my mistake.

The Orville really has earned the right to be known as today's real Star Trek reboot. This episode wasn't relying on the comedic moments, although there were some but it covered a topic that is timeless, poignant and thought provoking in such a way that the OG Star Trek or TNG approached subject matter.

It wasn't the way these most recent lousy shows try to put their political message into them, or Woke messaging. The Orville achieved getting their message across with excellent writing, respect for the topic, allowed the viewers to ponder their own thoughts and they did all this while being entertaining. Kudos to all at The Orville for intelligent story telling without putting viewers off or disrespecting the viewers.

I'm glad we have good sci-fi back on screen again.

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Did not enjoy this overall. Some nicei deas but no joy. I really grew tired of Isaac last season and hoped he'd be gone. the episode title is a bit of a give away tho. I think the show could be better without him.

on the plus side some nice action scenes at the start with some great acting.

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I can already tell this is going to be a long season. Charly doesn't belong in a uniform. Mercer nailed it when he pointed out that her willingness to help a fellow crewman depends on how she feels about that person. That makes her unfit to serve. That is unacceptable in any service. You don't have to like the people you serve with, but you do have to support them.

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Do androids dream of electric sheep?

I could use a recap, it's been too long...

Sadly, this episode did feel to sit somewhat below the usual quality standard that The Orville has got us used to in previous seasons (some editing and pacing issues and the odd character reaction/dialogue), but I'll give them a break, since they've probably got a bit rusty after all this time away.

But, all in all, I'm so happy to have this crew back, and still feeling as trekkie as ever!

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Pretty bland for the big return episode. Not the usual amount of quality humor either. The new Charly character is terrible and the person playing her is a really bad actor.

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Sooooo...does new horizons mean that this is no longer a comedy/parody? I have not read any articles or interviews about the new season so I am not sure what Seth has in store. I liked the silliness, Family Guy aspect of the first 2 seasons, but this season started off with communal hate, xenophobia and suicide for 75 minutes...sigh...that was NOT what I was expecting and hoping to see. I wonder what other heavy emotional topics this show ill explore throughout the rest of the season. It felt like one of those "After School Specials"

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Great to see the Orville back for a 3rd, long awaited, season. Now moved from Fox to Hulu but with no loss of quality.
I loved this first episode. Just the right balance of humour and drama to put this among the best Star Trek type series. This is more like a cross between Star Trek & Space Quest. For all those who don’t remember Space Quest, it was a series of comedy games by Sierra that were strongly influenced by Star Trek. Hopefully the series will continue strongly and carry on with the great writing and characters. Definitely on my must watch list for all future episodes (and hopefully seasons).

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I am really glad The Orville is back. The Quality of the show is still really good. I like the perfect not goofy humor since season 1. Was there really a real live lesson in each episode? If it was I cant remember it very good. In this episode the whole mobbing and suicide story was a bit too on the nose in my opinion.

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I watched Strange New Worlds right before this one and it's staggering how much apart these shows are. And Strange New Worlds isn't even the worst of Nu-Trek.

For a supposed comedy/parody show to tackle suicide and racism in such a way and right out of the gate. To bring in new characters that instantly have you interested to find out more about them without forcing it on you.

Going into actual emotion, actual complex human ones in all it's ambivalence.
To once again have characters opposing each others' views and still act in respect for each other.

This is (still) real Trek.

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Really bad first episode. I hope the don't continue with this kind of crap since I quite liked the previous seasons.

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Impressive. If they are going to keep up this level of production value this is going to be an expensive season. But I welcome it. Especially Isaacs redesign is such a jump in quality taking it from ridiculous in parts to serious and believable.
The story beats and their solution were a bit too easy as usual but the first half was just a pleasure to watch.

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I don't understand what this show wants to be anymore. Is it supposed to be taken seriously? Based on this episode, it sure seems so.

Also quite long with no great reason.

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I knew they wouldn't kill Issac off.

Legal euthanasia like they have in Switzerland is still a very controversial topic people have a hard time finding consensus on or even discussing. Makes me think of Mary Kills People.

"This thing you do where you act like u have a monopoly on grief is very trying. " -Captain

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I haven't finished this episode yet. I started watching this show cause it was just a bit of fun. Stupid jokes about glory holes or a dude laying an egg. All the humour seems to have gone and it's taking itself serious. I don't like Start Trek and this just turned into that.

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I mean, I understand that there is no reason to stick to a network clock once you enter streaming, but it drives me nuts that so many shows that could've been great if they were simply trimmed down end up losing my attention. Disappointed and hoping for more pointed editing in the future.

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Trying to get over the fallout from the season finale. Curious thought, things can get better in the future, if there is no future, they can't get better

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It's good to be back.

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Well its back. First episode tackled some issues and offered some unique perspectives as the show often does, but the acting for the most part is still as bad as ever.

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So we support bullying until suicide. They repeatedly state that it's no one's fault, it's that person's choice. We're also totally cool with going against that person's choice and reviving them. What a fantastic Future.

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