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The Resident 2018

I seriously question the rationale behind the ability to be able to vote on an not yet aired shows. Where do people up-voting or down-voting these shows get their decisions from? It's flawed!!

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I loved this show. Casting was perfection. Writing was great. It was a similar storyline to New Amsterdam whereas they are pushing the boundaries of medical shows. And instead of glorifying hospitals and pharmaceutical companies they point out the very real problems that affect us all. Wish they could have given it a few more episodes to wrap up the finale better, but I think covid may have forced the series off the air. Still an awesome show.

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I loved this show. Casting was perfection. Writing was great. It was a similar storyline to New Amsterdam whereas they are pushing the boundaries of medical shows. And instead of glorifying hospitals and pharmaceutical companies they point out the very real problems that affect us all. Wish they could have given it a few more episodes to wrap up the finale better, but I think covid may have forced the series off the air. Still an awesome show.

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this one will be forever in my heart, wish we could have more seasons, but it ended flawlessly.

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Done with the show. The first episode of season 6 is so woke and political it was unwatchable.

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LOVE, LOVE LOVE this show! I have laughed, cried and been mad in the same show! BEST SHOW OUT THERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!

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I am wondering how often I have to criticise this:
"He is an MD, not a Doctor yet" - WHAT THE FUCK?!?

MD stands for MEDICAL DOCTOR (or Doctor of Medicine)!!!!!
It literaly means you have a Doctorate in Medicine!!!!!!

What they don't necessarily have is a License to practice Medicine. By the way, there are countries in which you can have a license to practice medicine without a doctorate (you still need to have studied Medicine though).

A Doctorate is an ACADEMIC title and it exists in many scientific fields, Medicine is actually one of the easiest to aquire and the average age of people obtaining it is amongst the lowest.

People who have a doctorate know this, so STOP HAVING CHARACTERS WITH DOCTORATE MISSREPRESENT IT!!!!!!

Sorry for yelling, but it is really annoying...

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why are they leaving? Sure hope they come back to the show!

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-2 points for being on FOX. Maybe it's my provider, more likely it's FOX, but this was the only FOX show I've tried to follow in the past few years that I could actually DVR (all others were On Demand only). Well now, so is this one. It's too bad when decent shows suffer because of network stupidity. Mooooving on.

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Started mediocre but turned out to be better than expected at the end of S1, even though the rather confusing Pravesh-Hawkins relationship changes drastically the first 2-4 episodes.
But some time in S2 it became one of many medical procedurals doing what we've seen in any other show of this type numerous times.
Introducing drama wherever possible, having higher and higher stakes each episode to raise the "suspense" and "action".
It just gets boring and more and more unbelievable as it goes on. Since S3 it just is flat out dumb.
Time to drop this.

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Again with the racism !!!!! It seems every bloody program today brings up racism !!!! Can we stop doing this ? Let's just stop blaming people and make a program where we can all be equal ????

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I really love season 2,getting better and better every episode

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Decent Series.... How do I get alerted if a Show's not continuing if it's over?

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I remember sighing when I first learned about The Resident: "Argh, another medical show!". After watching season 1, I have to admit enjoying the show so far.

The Resident is a medical drama that attempts to explore a darker side of medicine than we usually get to see on TV. Now there is a cliche boy wonder doctor, actually two of them, but this only felt annoying in the first and maybe second episodes.

The credits of the last episode are rolling as I'm typing this comment yet I'm struggling to actually remember the medical cases in this season. That's because the show isn't about hospitals or medicine, it's the backdrop to tell a story about strong and stubborn characters, political struggles and the business of healthcare. And yet, it seems that they've put a lot of thoughts into making the show medically accurate.

There are small changes they could have made to make the overarching story of season 1 feel more dramatic and flow better, but the fact that I find myself trying to find improvements for a medical drama tells me all I need to know. I'll be watching season 2 right away!

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The show is still growing on me, but I do like two of the characters - Mina Okafor & the other black doctor... I can't think of his name.

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Of the two medical dramas that have aired this season, The Resident is perhaps the one that's kind of shocked me the most. Going in, I would have thought that The Good Doctor would be more my speed with the same creators as House and the whole aspect of medical mysteries. However, The Resident tells a much more compelling story of the very serious problems that can occur in hospitals due to running healthcare like businesses. Each of the characters became more interesting as time went on and has become easily one of my favourite new shows from this cycle. I look forward to the next season.

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So after the pilot I hated pretty much every single character on the show. While I'm always game for a good medical drama, there was just something about the characterization that felt like it was trying too hard to be edgy. Now that I've seen the whole season, I can say that while it is still kind of trying way too hard, it's managed to work itself into a pretty good story. I've come around on pretty much all the characters to a point and am glad it was picked up for another season.

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Shout by Deleted

Worst medical show in the history of medical shows.

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The Resident distinguishes itself significantly from other medial shows, while still maintaining the element of a soap. The characters are interesting, but what makes this show so much more realistic and scary is how the element of human error, ego and the focus on the cost of procedures and profit of the hospital are all played out. The show doesn't shy away from the infection of corporate greed into our health and welfare, while managing to walk a fine line with keeping certain characters idealism intact, and the fight for justice in the background preventing the show from crossing the line into complete cynism.

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At first I didn't like that this seems to be more focused on the business of medicine, but it is really starting to get me hooked in to the manipulations and up-selling that I'm sure does occur.

Some of the medical stuff is annoying, even superficial things, like really would doctors use an old dirty & sweaty shin guard to brace a compound fracture without anything underneath when I'm sure there were plenty of clean clothes let alone medical supplies at a “Doctors Against Cancer” mountain bike race.

Also if you were going to reduce the fracture, wouldn't you do it before lifting him into a truck? I kinda doubt they would ride to hospital in the back of a pickup either.

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an okay show, the first episode had me worried but it has got better, its never going to be the best show on earth and you can see where its going every single time, but there are times that you just need that bit of light entertainment...

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I love it so far.

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First medical show to do recussitation according to ALS and not just standing around and administering shocks. Kudos.

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