Best episode in years with a lot of social commentary that I feel comes way too short for way too many years now.
At times maybe a bit too much on the nose but still pretty great.

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[5.8/10 on a post-classic Simpsons scale] Well, if you’ve seen one late season “The Simpsons are going to _____” episode, you’ve pretty much seen them all. This is less an episode than a series of very mildly humorous observations about Denmark. There’s little bad about that part of the episode, it’s just the type of humor that can only engender polite chuckles rather than belly laughs, and it starts to feel like an excuse for the writers to visit Denmark for “research” instead of an episode that really justifies its existence.

There’s a half-hearted Homer/Marge relationship issue that fizzles as quickly as it starts. There’s also a bit about Grampa getting a “procedure” that turns out to be getting a tattoo with Mona’s name removed that’s meant to pack some emotional punch but feels entirely tacked on. Both are set dressing at best, excuses to roam around Denmark and do a bunch of mini-sketches about the country, its quirks, and its history.

Overall, this is an episode that would be mildly cute to watch before or after a trip to the land of the Danes, but otherwise is thoroughly forgettable.

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