Not as critical of religion as it could've been, and the town is even dumber than usual.

But having it be a stunt for some company is exactly something america would do.

Plus Lisa isn't as annoying here, hell she's even relatable for once.

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One of the better Lisa episodes. Really stood out as a kid.

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[7.0/10] The comedy in this one is still good, and grounding the larger faith vs. religion story in the emotional bond between Lisa and Marge is a deft choice. But the whole belief vs. skepticism angle comes off pretty weak considering the debate centers around whether a fossil is really the remains of a genuine angel, and the townsfolk are dumbed down even more than usual in the process. Plus, Stephen Jay Gould is pretty well wasted and the courtroom scene feels like a throw-in that should have been cut. The comedy writing carries the day, as does good work with Lisa and Marge, so this one still squeaks into "good territory" but it's a sign of cracks in the foundation.

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