I can remember when I first watched this episode when I was younger. Mind was blown! Still so effective and interesting to think about with today's society

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The Twilight Zone is always a hit or miss for me since it's an anthology series. However when the highest rated episode of the series is just good for me, it may be a sign this show isn't for me. I've seen some amazing episodes but most of them are just good to me (I can certainly see how revolutionary they were at the time!).

The twist is amazing but overall the build-up is too slow for me and it couldn't engage me.

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Shout by whitsbrain
BlockedParent2019-11-15T13:11:15Z— updated 2022-01-28T13:37:35Z

This obviously doesn't have the same impact it did when I first saw it but repeat viewings make me realize just how shocking this episode must have been to viewers during its first run. It's fun to watch now and to take note of the camera tricks played to mask the faces of the doctors and nurses. I love the broadcast of "The Leader" on all of the flat TVs throughout the hospital. I've always been fond of the moment the doctor drops the scissors and exclaims "no change!". At that point, the true faces are all revealed. It still packs a punch. I do believe that when the doctor is talking to the nurse behind the curtain, the actor is not wearing the "normal" makeup. The one thing that bugs me whenever I see this is the dubbed in voice of the Janet Tyler character. I still don't think it sounds right. "Eye of the Beholder" certainly is classic television.

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Predictable twist, yet still effective.

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This still holds up as one of the greatest tz episodes. Brilliantly shot

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