IF there is going to be a third season they need to seriously consider finding new writers.

Now, just where did I put that recipe book?

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That episode was absolutely dreadful. No idea what I have just subjected myself to.

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I really did not understand this episode. I seems to be the clever or the stupidest episode of this season. Don’t really know and don’t really care.

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No wonder this show was cancelled. What utter trash this has been as a whole. Maybe 3 standout episodes of the 20?
I can certainly see what this one was trying to do much as with most, it didn't have the finesse nor quality to back it up.

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Am I the only one who finds that the moral parts of all the episodes are just gibberish nonsense?

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Bahahahaha this episode was absolutely ridiculous.

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This episode tries way too hard and is nonsensical at points. This is the weakest episode of the season IMO.

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I wish the ending could have been stronger, but this outing probably feels like the most Twilight Zone-y episode out of all of ‘em in this reboot. It doesn’t hurt that the “To Serve Man” aliens are back! One of my fave OG episodes.

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What an annoying episode. Even the weaker ones didn't make me feel like I wasted my time watching them. But I wanted to turn this one off 10 minutes in. Hated EVERYTHING about it.

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