really liking the friendship between connie and daryl!! his attempts of sign language are very wholesome. nice to see carol back for a bit too.

small negan cameo of him out gardening was cool.

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Bro Carol and Daryl are just amazing:sob:

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Shout by Darth

Lol they took those reviews to heart about where tf Oceanside disappeared to… oh no another shity cgi deer lol

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Wow, would you look at that! In characters interactions, human behaviour even some banter. Original start or callback to Fear the Walking Dead, some interesting editing choices that kept story from getting boring. I always loved when they attempted some worldbuilding and even politics (sorta more like diplomacy issue but that's a start).

Btw, what word were they going for on satellite? Was it "Родина"? Or even "Машина"? lol Either way it's a ridiculous name choice. Well, they tried, I guess.

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Like everyone says, i have seen all season till now, i need this show to end so i can forget about it... having say that... since the changes the show got a bit better... more tolerable... i gave this an 8 because they are explore some new stuff plus Daryl and Carol which are the only good characters left (from a few seasons now) anyway lets hope this is the last season

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Shout by Deleted

You’d think after 9 seasons they’d stop with some of these extremely overused tropes, but they’re still going at it. Some cringeworthy moments in the first half of this ep, especially in the dialogue. It makes these proven good actors at times look very poor. Second half did have some nice dialogue, fire sequence was well shot and choreographed. Imo Negan is keeping this show from being a complete disaster, but it will never ever return to the standards set by its golden era. Cliffhanger was also pretty stupid. 7/10

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Not too bad. Those water zombies look nice and disgusting. I wish that Daryl and Carol would run off together.

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I see the show is already back to its usual-of-late tactic of prolonging episodes by showing a single event from multiple perspectives.

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"Jesus is dead" ; this sounded weird.

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Those noob ass archers, shot so many arrows for just one zombie. They lived this long and they still don't know that body shots won't do any damage.

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I still don’t understand how deaf people survived this long. Wouldn’t then have to be able to hear the zombies, especially if they are behind them.

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Oh boy. So slow, so frustrating, so boring. The only thing why I'm still here is because I'm gone this far and I don't want to quit.

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Opening sequence was terrible and way overdone. Oh, so was the fire scene. What is going on with this show?

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Not the best season premiere but I get what they were doing here. It's an obvious set up for the next episodes.
Carol and Daryl had a golden moment, I actually like seeing characters interact on a lighter level than usual. Also, the ending set a great tone, you could see both of those women brewing.

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I'm too invested to quit, but this show needs to end

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There was definitely a horse taking a dump in the background while Michonne was talking and the VFX team CGI'ed the poop out. That's dedication and good use of money. Who needs to invest on deer CGI every time we're seeing a doe?

Other thoughts:
• I like the new water goggling walkers..
• Daryl for the position of King Leonidas.
• JDM is always wonderful as Negan when we see him. I like the fact that he assumed everyone has a pair of pants for special shitting occasions.
• Of course it's a russian satellite who crushes. American satellites never crushes. I bet all their nuclear plants boomed as well.

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what the hell happened to TWD?!!
it's getting sillier by the episode.

they lost it.

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Not a bad start to the season but I found the opener with the beach training to be quite ridiculous and it lasted far too long; the episode definitely got better as it went on. The highlights were the Daryl/Carol interactions (as usual) and the general intrigue when they found that skin at the campsite.

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Remember that episode a while back when Rick and the gang finally got their shit together and kicked ass in the prison?
Well this episode kinda redoes that but what was impressive then after all the seasons of idiocy falls flat for me.

And while Fear the Walking Dead seems to go the western route this seems to go from the Medieval Kingdom to a more Swashbuckling setting.

I don't really remember the Whisperers having a nuclear bomb but... why would anyone care? It's not like they could detonate it without destroying themselves.

Overall the episode seems to have been written by people just starting their writing career, it's full with awkward dialogues and talks about pretty mouths. Even Negan's dialogue seems nutered, stale and pretty much "try-hard".

Anyways... ready for another season hoping it'll be good.

PS One small deer can feed 200 people (sure I googled it too)? Gas isn't a problem unlike Fear the Walking Dead? What's with all the talk about pretty mouths and shit?

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