Even tho it’s just a flashback it was nice to see the future Emperor of the world Rick Grimes:relieved::relieved:

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Wait what? Can it actually be?

The walking dead show is getting interesting again!

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Just watched the latest episode of The Walking Dead and all I can say is, WTF. What was that at the end?

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Bro the flashbacks tho :sob:

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Ya know, as much as I hated Andrea for what she was involved in Re: the Governor, I kinda miss having her around. It was nice to see some flashbacks of when it was a simpler time (for me and for the show.)

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Shout by KD6-3.7
BlockedParent2020-03-21T11:07:32Z— updated 2022-09-30T09:24:18Z


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TWD writers be like "We have no idea what to do in this episode. Let's just trip on some acid, use some old footage and call it a day."

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Am I the only one who thought (/thinks?) it was (/is?) Andrea at the beginning ?

But why would she be there ?! Acid false memories ?

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Love how people dont know here, that it was her last episode.

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Yep, you guessed it! Another filler... something happens that throws out some of other filler episodes away and finally that finally lead to nothing

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Holy crap. Boring. The noise she was making when she first got jailed up was irritating. Banging and screamng, shut up

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this just feels... strange to me. idk how to feel.

was nice to see andrea in those flashbacks.

seems that she’s going to go looking for rick, so this must be just the end of her arc in the series?? judith just told her to go and she listened? idk, man.

the what if scenario on the psychedelics was sorta cool but i’m just confused as to why it was done. it just felt a bit unneeded or something, idk.

something about this episode reminded me a lot of the first the last of us game, like those little voice memos and letters that you find along the game. maybe this is because i’m getting the feeling both rick and michonne will fade into obscurity, but i suppose we’ll see how this all plays out.

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(9.9/10) - I was expecting this episode to be a bit of a mess and slightly lower in quality than others in the series after the catastrophic events of ‘Walk With Us’ but it didn’t fail to deliver in pretty much all aspects; it was an unforgettable, psychologically terrifying 50-minutes, full of drama and plot twists that intrigued me to a hellish extent! The fact that Michonne may be able to locate Rick has given me so much hope and I cannot wait to find out how her journey goes.

Michonne’s hallucinations were absolutely epic and simultaneously horrible. The return of both Andrea and Siddiq made me slightly emotional and it was crazy to see Michonne in Negan’s position. The ‘what if’ elements in this episode worked really well in my opinion and made for one of the best Walking Dead episodes of all time, which is unique for a side-story episode as ones like Tara’s venture to Oceanside were an awful lot weaker!

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Interesting set up at the end. Absolutely nothing else interesting in this episode. At this point I don't even know why I keep watching this. I guess I just wanna finish it after 10 seasons.

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I hate children in horror movies but God I love Judith.
Awesome plot to farewell Michonne. Couldn't be better. I hope if Rick's movie or whatever comes true it will wrap nicely with this. Idk if Rick's coming back can happen but I need to see him at least once seeing Judith and RJ. In a movie, in the show, however. Even if at the finale of everything TWD. I need this movie NOW!

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FFS get the show moving season 10 and they still have the guts to produce stupid filler episodes how did we came from cutting Alpha head to this shit.

Plus the Rick teaser just shout's out a desperate call to try to get back some fans that just gave up on the show. And episodes like this is what makes people quit.

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I have somewhat mixed thoughts on this episode. To me the episode was just on average too slow, and it was filled with clichéd dialogues that I had the slightest interest in listening to.

I've never been fan of Michonne's character, so I would have hoped that even that Virgil guy would have been more interesting, but I guess you can't have everything. However, as it's apparently Michonne's last episode in the show, I think they managed to wrap her story up pretty well. And if anything, that trip part was still somewhat enjoyable.

So, overall, this episode wasn't quite interesting to me. I'm just looking forward to the next episode where we'll (hopefully) get back on track again.

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what is this lost shit, ffs

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I could of done without the useless acid dreams. The ending left me speechless but wanting more. This is a great season thankfully, as I was on the edge of not watching anymore.

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first time in awhile i found myself watching it, rather than having the show on while i clean the house. Now. Can you hold it until the season ends?

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could've been 20minutes shorter.
Super boring for the most part

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What the fuck is this shit!!!!!!!!

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Horrible episode, and then the last bit happened which made it interesting again.

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The minute they showed the datura plant I was sceptical... Also the the music at the end was obviously a cheap Requiem for a Dream version.

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Shout by Rodrigo Braz

Did Michonne just abandoned the kids?

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Nice to see Michonne but the episode after all was a little bit weird but ok Rick teaser was nice tough

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I could of done without the useless acid dreams. The ending left me speechless but wanting more. This is a great season thankfully, as I was on the edge of not watching anymore.

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Shout by Justin Le

Well, I guess that's one way to send Michonne off. I wonder if we will see her again. That new group we saw at the end seemed interesting.

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A decent bottle episode but a poorly timed wheel-spinning one, especially after last week's upswing of momentum and excellent cliffhanger. Michonne is a strong enough character to carry a bottle episode but it would have been better placed a couple of episodes earlier.

Also, that ending? I didn't get it at all; perhaps someone could enlighten me. Either we were meant to get the reference/implication or it surely means we will have another Michonne flashback bottle episode before the season is over to explain this. Then again, maybe it'll just be one of those unresolved storylines.

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This season is so good! Definitely in there with what seasons 1-6 used to be (while still not on that level it's definitely better than 7,8 & 9). What a great episode for Michonne!

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That was one of the worst eps I have seen. just a bunch of filler. No wonder this is the last season. We about turned it off cause the last couple of eps have been just trash.

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At the end of this episode, one of Michonne's new pet walkers looked a bit too human. If you watch the eyes of the pet zombie on a chain on the right of the screen, his eyes look too much like a live human's eyes looking around and he was Blinking! LOL... Zombies Can't Blink and Zombies Don't Blink! LOL So Funny...

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