Finally the end of this horrible show

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The show had its up and downs.
But honestly I found the last season a high tick up in quality over the last few & it felt like a return to form, so I'm glad it ended in a bang (pun intended).

One thing that did prevail thru the up's and down was the cast. They were the heart of the show and put their all into every episode. Many giving performances that are wave above & beyond cable TV. The show gets a ton of hate, but overall I'd say it was a fun journey & I'll definitely miss it.

Thanks for the wild ride & I'm excited to see what they do with TWDU.

P.S - Haters who comment on LITERALLY every episode, can ya'll please just NOT watch any of the other shows & b*tch non-stop no matter how good it is? It will make all of our lives a lot easier :)

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After all these years, all the up and downs, all the good and shit, all the 'cant wait for next weeks episode' to the not watching for years and having to catch up.

After everything I'm actually kinda sad to this show end. It definitely needs to but still. I mean I was 15 when I watched the first episode, I'm 27 now. I have been reading the comics for even longer. This universe, for better or worse, has been a big part of my life and I will definitely miss it.

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At last I am free

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Absolutely one of the worst finales I've ever seen. The literal definition of "consume product, then get excited for next product."

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Shout by Paul Vincent
BlockedParent2022-11-14T17:40:11Z— updated 2023-07-12T12:04:11Z

Look up "Anticlimactic" and you should find a link to this episode.

But seriously this went exactly like I was expecting it to go. I said a couple weeks ago there was no way this wasn't going to end disappointing, yet still I can't believe they didn't just kill Pamela and have some epic final battle. We saw this end 5 years ago with Negan only then we still cared more. This show always thought it was deeper than it is, and instead of ending on top it chose to tease it's spinoffs.

Goodbye Walking Dead, much like a star athlete that starts off good, eventually becomes great, and then completely sucks the last few years, you'll always hold a special place in my heart, and I'll miss the good old days, but I'm glad to see the pain end.

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You know those long drives when you were young and at the beginning you were excited for the adventure... But after a long while the inevitable comes out of your mouth; ARE WE THERE YET??

We finally made it. It was a good adventure when it first began but the journey became too damn tedious and boring especially the last few seasons.

Thank you for the ride.

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It’s hilarious that everyone hated this show towards the end but everyone kept watching it hmmm :thinking:

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Thanks for the great 11 years of the walking dead

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Like everyone else that has been suffering brain damage I have continued watching this even though I stopped enjoying it about five seasons ago.And it's finally over...hooray!

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I'm just glad it's over. While I like the characters, the last few years have been rough. The episodes they did during the beginning of covid, and these final stretch of episodes are probably the worst in the series, but there were still good moments in the last few years. The ending was played fairly safe, nothing too surprising, but not bad either. The teases for the spinoffs felt a little forced, especially Maggie's line about wanting to find out what's out there which felt super cringy, but obviously they had to do some kind of setup for the new shows. I wonder if they had to refilm the scenes with Daryl and Carol at the end because Melissa McBride decided not to go ahead with Daryl's spinoff show.

I will be watching the spinoffs, but I really hope they have different writing teams, or that the new settings give the writers a new boost of creativity, because they were poorly lacking in these recent years.

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A literal fucking shit show.

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Wow, thank fucking God it's over.
Anticlimactic, cringe situations, poor writing, logic holes and embarrassing CGI, but at least it's over. 5-6 seasons too late but it's over.
I was 12 when I started watching this, abandoned it around Carl's death when it got tediously boring, caught up in season 10 and was bored to tears by this shitty final season. The spin-offs are a big no-no for me personally.

To anyone who's never seen the show that will somehow make the terrible decision a few years from now to binge watch The Walking Dead from the beggining and reads this comment, I am really sorry for you and all the time you wasted, and yeah, I know, that first season was really great.

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Nope, Esposito alike voice at the end won't make me get back in the Walking Dead universe. No sane person would drop their life and kids and would search for her 100% sure dead husband.

I'm done. Glad this show had an okay final and it's over.

p.s. how the hell is Madison still alive? You know what? Nevermind.

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Great stuff from Christian Serratos this episode. Overall, a nice way to end my favourite television show.

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This finale really surpassed my expectations. I was really skeptical after the spinoffs were announced and the most liked characters had plot armor. My money was on Rosita to be the 'big death' and I was right, but it worked better than I thought. The scenes between Magie and Negan and Carol and Daryl were the high point for me. Jeffrey Dean Morgan did such a great job turning Negan around and became one of the main reasons I stuck with the show. Over all this last season was decent and I'm happy the show ended on that note.

I'm a bit pissed that they don't just end it here and are turning it in to a universe. Following this show was a 12 year commitment and i do feel enough is enough. Not sure if I'm gonna watch the spinoffs.

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my god. amazing and showstopping everything i wanted beautiful etc etc. amazing suspense and amazing plot

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A series finale that felt like a standard season finale with loose ends.

I’m sure that the team behind this show wanted to give it a great finale, but AMC wants to wring the “The Walking Dead” sponge dry. And I get it, they call it “show business” for a reason. AMC knows that TWD is their biggest franchise going (now that Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are done). But we’ve known about the various spin-offs (Dead City, Rick and Michonne, Daryl) for a while, because AMC has shareholders to please, but it kind of ruined the tension in these last few seasons.

I’m stoked that they showed Rick and Michonne, but this was pretty underwhelming. I blame myself for reading the entire comic run before finishing the show, which also had a pretty rushed ending - but it was still miles better than this!

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this was as lazy as the last 5 seasons. so sad this show could not save itself from overdramatisation and stupid plots. it started so good and had with negan its peak. some ups during after that, but overall just a downfall from there. i like the idea of some limited series to wrap it up. maybe a crossover for all shows. but i am very relieved its over now.

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At least Carol got a haircut.

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I am glad I stopped watching this in the middle of season 7.. I was a HUGE fan but starting on season 4 this show got so boring. The finale was good but it should have been like this all the time. I’ve got closure but PLEASE PEOPLE, DON’T WATCH THE SPIN-OFFS SO THIS SHOW COULD FINALLY REALLY END…Instead of like most people, just having it on in the background

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Judith is such a badass saving Daryl at the start after being shot hope we see more of her in the spin-offs she’s a great actress for her age too.

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LOL. I should not be laughing this much at this show, but the action sequences and the writers saved the worst for last.

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I'm not crying - you are.

The series finale was quite an emotional ride but only for those who stuck with the show from season 1 episode 1. Sure there have been good and bad episodes even seasons but overall this is one massively good story and the ending was amazing.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I'm overwhelmed by emotions

This show and this universe wasn't just another show for me
I literally grew up into adulthood while watching this show from the pilot episode until the last one

I love every single character from the main cast and I feel emotionally attached to this universe

can't really believe it's finally ending but with the announcements of the new spin-offs that will focus on characters from the main cast this puts me at ease a little bit

what they did to Rosita was awful, she didn't need to die and I cried my eyes out during her scenes but apparently the actress is the one who wanted her character to die

I love all the TWD family and thank you to everyone who was involved in the making f this show

will be missed

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I expected a lot more deaths, and then my heroine of all people gets it :(

As often in the last episodes, not everything was completely comprehensible and sometimes sloppily staged.

What was not convincing at all in this episode: the crowd scenes. Surely the whole Commonwealth consists of more than 20 or 30 people?

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I cried when I finished the comics. But this? Not a tear. That's only a promo for new spinoffs

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Halfway through the episode I still said “doooooon’t care, where’s Rick” and near the end when I already gave up hope he appeared. I swear, I punched the arm rest of my couch multiple times out of pure joy. It made up for the lazy storytelling the last episode and the script hopelessly trying to tie loose ends together (which didn’t work out too well) and so for a series finale, it was VERY anticlimactic. Watching the entirety of Commonwealth go up in flames was satisfying though and seeing Alexandria again, yes. But definitely not really what I was expecting. Still an enjoyable episode though. I also have to thank the few seconds of screen time Rick and Michonne got at the end for that, I guess. (‘:

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Shout by wags721

Are you f'ing kidding me? The ending resolved nothing and was simply an advertisement for so many spinoffs that I'm never going to watch after wasting 12 years of my life. It wasn't even an ending! Five years from now, they can just restart it. I'm done.

Signed, your previous biggest fan

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even if the show wasn't that good from season 8 and thinking it's finished after 12 years ... makes me sad !

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Boring from the begging till the cryptic Rick and Michonne scene. This serie is called "the walking dead" but lacks of adrenaline.

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fell kinda flat but at least it's over.

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Wow just wow Rosita. Hell of an ep so far

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I'm wondering if Rick will show up

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We're the ones who live
We're the ones who live
We're the ones who live
We're the ones who live
We're the ones who live
We're the ones who live
We're the ones who live
We're the ones who live

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Its funny some zombie take minutes to turn and Carl and Rosita take a long time.

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Elijah looks like a black Michael Myers!

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After a long year, it is over. The Walking Dead is over. Definitely not the best show, filled with a lot of useless stuff in the middle, but it's been one hell of a journey.
Thanks to everyone who made it possible.

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well, it wasn't a bad ending all together. i think this is good enough for me after all the ups and downs the show had. not sure if i wanna take their words on this continuing as a universe, I think i'm good with just considering this as an end to the first tv show i ever started watching.

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there were up’s & plenty of downs and i’m glad to see it end.

this was a decent finale, cheesiness and spinoff pushing aside. the record and blowing up scene was badass. almost seems like some crazy metal music video or something.

judith in the hospital felt a lot like a homage to rick in the first episode, although i’m not sure if that was intentional.

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Beautiful… just absolutely fucking beautiful

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Holy crap my heart:sob: sure this show had a lot of up’s and downs but I am gonna miss seeing all the characters. I think this was a great ending and I can’t wait to see the spin-offs and really hope they’re as good as earlier walking dead was.

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Finally, it is over . A phenomenon as big as Game of thrones. It covers most of the post apocalyptic world.

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This one ep was a rollercoaster of emotions even tho I didnt care for majority of characters.
I really hope Daryl finds them bc its the last thing that can give me peace as Daryl and Negan were my favourites and both didnt get a happy ending. Well, you could say Negan did but last minute giving him a wife and child was so weird and they didnt have any chemistry or any scenes that made me believe either of them even tho I love Morgan's acting. I need a closure for my best characters. Ofc the best ending would be with Maggie's death but I knew that wasn't coming.

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For all the hate the last couple seasons have gotten I expected the finale to be more of the same. Pleasantly suprised what we got was a satisyfing conclusion and I would argue one of the best episodes of the whole series. Does it redeem the bad? No, not even close but TWD end's on a strong note and at this point, that's all I could have asked for.

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Shout by Ro

This TV show is finally dead!
And went from lively creepy to walking dead

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Like the drug addled immediate family member you hope against hope will straighten up and fly right, I begged the TWD gods to give me a satisfying resolution to this show. Why, oh why, did I ignore my intuition? Why would I think the flaming train wreck that is this show would magically turn things around in the 11th hour? This is why I don’t gamble.

It turns out the biggest twist in TWD’s plot is, in the end, you find out all the show’s writers are walkers too.

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Shout by Deleted

Some nice moments amongst the gobbledygook followed by what amounts to several trailers for shows coming soon. I think Rosita proved herself the ultimate survivor throughout the series and the attention to her character was deserved.

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The following sums it all up nicely:

"Together we made it (you see we did it)
We made it even though we had our backs up against the wall (c'mon)
Forever we waited (haha)
And they told us we were never gonna get it
But we took it on the road (to the riches)
On the road (to the ghetto)
On the road (in the projects to this banging instrumental)
On the road (ride with me)
On the road (we come to get it)
On the road (yeah, yeah, yeah)"

  • We Made it : Busta Rhymes (ft. Linkin Park)

It was a better ending than I thought we'd get, considering the decline in quality over the years. I like that it's just the end of one era, ushering in the new. Looking forward to it.

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After that much time, we reached the end. And still can't believe they ended the main series, without Rick and Michonne reuniting with their group. I know, i know; they did it on purpose to just get you hooked to watch the spin-off, but still, i think it was a dick move. The comic had a different approach, and even the prologue was different; but even that, it will sound cliche but i would have loved that for the "last battle" against the dead, Rick and Michonne appeared on horse to save the day (or well, at least help). I don't think i wil watch neither of the new series because i've been saturated to the max of TWD (waiting for Fear TWD to be its last season, so i can go in peace). And even after 11 seasons, my boy Daryl still friendzoned by everyone (i would have loved to be a couple with Connie). Glad that it ended, extended toooo much and still milking it with the spin-offs.

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Very good ending I think. Sad that some good people died. I thought for a minute or two that many more were going to be killed off. I cried.

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More endings than Return of The King. And more spinoff announcements than Power on Starz, lol

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I'm disappointed that CM Punk didn't show up.

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Finally the shit show is over

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I've abandoned TWD since a few seasons back since Rick was presumably dead, and only decided to watch series finale to put it behind me... but when did the dead become more aggressive, start climbing stuff and use rocks to break glass?

Anyways... after skipping through all the unnecessary drama...I'm glad to have witnessed the " Rick revival " moment.

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Even though I felt it a chore to keep up at times I'm somehow excited for at least one of the spinoff shows!

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